Want to see a remarkable program that explains so much about Trump?
Turnbull not so generous
Being Turnbulled
Once Australia was a leader in supporting equality and was generous in its assistance to other countries. Oh how things have changed. Here’s a post from Michael Moore on the greedy nature of the Turnbull government – click here.
Culture Heist
Book Notice: Culture Heist, Judith White
ART VERSUS MONEY: The fight for the soul of a
great public institution
Emmanuel Macron
The world leaders are stepping forward! – click here for the story
MIT and Climate Change
MIT Speaks for Science & Climate Change
A message from the MIT President in which he reacts to the Trump announcement on how Trump is yet again out of touch with the rest of the world. Yah for our scientists!
Lyle Lovett
Review: Lyle Lovett Greatest Hits 2017
It has been a while since we have seen a ‘greatest hits’ by Lyle Lovett – and this collection is one to have.
A tale of two parklands
Very strange things happen in the urban design planning space in Canberra.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton makes a fiery commencement speech at her alma mater – taking aim at Trump and his colleagues. She makes the speech nearly 50 years after graduating from Wellesley College in 1969
Being Negative
The message from ACT Labor friends
There’s definitely something evil being played out locally.
George Monbiot
ACT labor and the need for new leadership
Very strange events have been unfolding since the local ACT elections in late 2016.
Monbiot on Terrorism
Nicole Lawder, a Liberal who has your back
We expect a lot of our politicians. People rightly expect their elected representatives to do just that – be representatives of the people who elected them. That’s not always a success story.
Sgt Pepper turns 50
Sgt Pepper’s at 50 – the greatest thing you ever heard or just another album?

Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band : is this the best popular music has to offer? Paul Townsend, flickr, CC BY
Frank Hurley and Australian Native Plants
Searching for Frank Hurley along our northern beaches
Did you know that Frank Hurley was a very keen gardener and photographer of wild flowers?
In April 2018 The Manly Art Gallery and Museum will be launching a very special exhibition titled: Frank Hurley – Sydney Harbour photographer: From Circular Quay to Collaroy.
Willie Nelson
Canberra Park Resort
Popping up on the northern edge of Canberra is a new set of buildings – known by its gateway title as Canberra Park.
Dickson on Northbourne
There’s significant redevelopment underway on Northbourne Ave in Canberra.
Tram stop design
There are not too many places that have tram (light rail) stops that are exciting designs. Most are functional and are usually simply places marked where you stand to catch the tram.
Remember they are people
A lot has been written about the ACT Government’s announcement to establish small government housing estates on community-zoned land in Weston Creek suburbs.
Tracey Moffatt at 2017 Venice Biennale
Tracey Moffatt’s exhibition in Venice
click here for my review and comments on Tracey Moffatt’s exhibition at the 2017 Venice Biennale.
Hillary Clinton
Inventing the Wicked Witch: Review of Susan Bordo’s The Destruction of Hillary Clinton

Penguin - Michelle Smith, Deakin University
Canberra Visual Arts in May
Recommendations for Visual Arts exhibitions May 2017
Here’s a few of the exhibitions in Canberra this month.
The Future of Books
Has the print book trumped digital? Beware of glib conclusions
What will an eBook be 20 years from now? What will a book be? Voyagerix/shutterstock
Nick Earls, The University of Queensland Continue reading The Future of Books
Architecture – on local TV
Do we have examples of good residential architecture in Canberra?
Hillary Clinton
A message to all the purists liberals
see message below – very appropriate for all those who bought the lies
Architecture – addressing the climate
Real sustainability arrives in Canberra
A wonderful sign of things to come.
Apple MacBook Pro 2016
This is a follow up to a previous post back in 2016 – when I questioned some of the ‘innovations’ being offered in the new MacBook Pros.
Hillary Clinton
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton
I have already reviewed this book – click here.
However I cannot stop pondering the challenge this story throws up for anyone interested in equity, fairness, and the role of the media in so many aspects of our daily lives.
If we had a real media, this story would have been totally different. Instead what happened here was the total manipulation of the media and through them members of the public, by all forms of malicious groups of people and individuals.
a note to the ACT Chief Minister
About the architecture along Northbourne Avenue
How to waste public money
The saga of the proposed Garden Bridge over the Thames in London has been well covered in the UK press. It is indeed a saga. It is about a folly.
Books and Reading
Hillary Clinton
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton
It was on hearing certain phrases used over and over again on Australian TV programs talking about the 2016 US election campaign that I became suspicious that we were witnessing a lazy press.
Almost daily the media was taking the same phrases and words and using them over and over again – with no evidence that they could be accurate except that they were the words and phrases being used by most journalists and commentators at the time.
On the basis we were supposed to accept their words as fact.
Caroline Le Couteur MLA
Canberra’s planning system remains super complicated and out of reach of ordinary citizens.
Higher Education
Australian Universities screw themselves
Australian universities have made a mess of their own advocacy – at the expense of students.
Julia Baird
Regis Lansac
Head On Photography Exhibition
Exhibition of Regis Lansac’s photographs at Janet Clayton Gallery:
3-28 May 2017 – click here for more on the-ARTMUSEum.com
Being Turnbulled
Australian Values – The Master of Spin
Australians are again being subject to being Turnbulled. Yet Again.
The New Yorker
Anzac Parade – public art doing service
There is no doubt that Anzac Parade is very special.
Photographing Singapore’s public housing
Photographing Singapore’s public housing
There’s an article in Straits Times about photographer Koh Kim Chay and his decades of photographing the ubiquitous government flats of Singapore.
Another Dickson auction
Rhiannon Giddens
Music Review: Rhiannon Giddens: Freedom Highway, February 2017
My comments have nit changed much from my previous post on Rhiannon Giddens: This 2017 album features a woman with a strong and beautiful voice – singing folk songs of America – making very beautiful Americana music.
Neoliberalism has run its course
A few stories on this topic – and the world needs more people to identify this and to lead the change away from this nasty ideology.
Urbanity Bites
Weston Creek and public housing
There’s been some great public discussions in the media around the spin that has been put out by the government to distract from the real problems with the decisions to place new government housing developments into several Weston Creek suburbs.
SHOUT and Jon Stanhope
Sometimes you wonder just what is going on in the heads of our local government and its bureaucrats who make funding decisions.
Ry Cooder
Ry Cooder – Jesus on the Mainline (Radio 2 Folk Awards 2017)
Wonderful music from Ry Cooder – see Youtube below..
New Philosopher
Totally recommended reading
The theme being – Future thinking
From the publishers:
Although the term and precise starting point might be disputed, many anthropologists believe that ‘behavioural modernity’ – when certain traits such as abstract thinking and symbolic behaviour are said to have emerged in humans – started around 50,000 years ago.
Quarterly Essay – David Marr
David Marr – The White Queen
From the publishers: Most Australians despise what Pauline Hanson stands for, yet politics in this country is now orbiting around One Nation. In this timely Quarterly Essay, David Marr looks at Australia’s politics of fear, resentment and race. Who votes One Nation, and why? How much of this is due to inequality? How much to racism? How should the major parties respond to anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim voices? What damage do Australia’s new entrepreneurs of hate inflict on the nation?
Heritage yes – but some stuff should go
Two things to consider: One is that heritage is about to be celebrated here in Canberra with a festival from 18 April till 7 May 2017.
Woden planning
When the government says one things but does the other…
The press release from the Woden Community Council points to the problems with planning in Canberra.
Weston Creek Community Council
Weston Creek Community Council
Weston Creek Community Council – Media Release
A group of Community Leaders met late last night to discuss the outcome from last week’s Weston Creek Community Council Meeting, which had to be postponed due to an overwhelming attendance.
Bob Dylan
Review: Triplicate – 3 CDs, 2017
Here’s a challenge – Bob Dylan in slow swing doing this set of 30 songs. I recommend listening to these with the volume up – not soft.
I enjoyed 2015’s Shadows in the Night & also the 2016’s Fallen Angels. I recommend both of those albums.
photoshop gone wrong
The Monthly
Recommended: The Monthly April 2017.
This is a must read for the articles on the ALT-Right by Richard Cooke – who pulls no punches and tells it as we all know it but it seems few in the press are game to do – well done Richard; and then there’s a condemning article – with maybe far too much detail – but totally providing an accurate picture of the damage done to the NBN by Malcolm Turnbull and his pals. And what a cover!
plundering the west – in photographs
Nice online exhibition of photographs – from The Washington Post – click here.
Urban Bites
Bureaucrats doing what bureaucrats do..
The other day we ran a set of small stories on urban issues – one being about student parking and how it has become a nuisance in the streets near the school.
Inappropriate letterboxes to be replaced
Following the resignation of their highly paid CEO, it seems that our postal services need to recover some of the revenue it has been paying out in the last few years.
The National at the AGNSW 2017
Exhibition Review: The National at the AGNSW 2017
To link to a review of The National at the Art Gallery of NSW – click here.
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Sgt Pepper’s 50th birthday
I cannot be! That it is 50 years since at around 11pm when I was suppose to be asleep in bed, that I heard this music coming from the lounge room.
church sign
seen in Ipswich – where the cyclonic rains had descended
Urban Bites
Philip Bentley and Group M
Linton Kwesi Johnson
Oh how we wish for more voices to be critical of the current political class and their hangers-on – and I include many journalists as being hangers-on.
Scientists say – what?
It had to happen. According to recent reports – roast potatoes were in the frame for causing cancer. Science says…
This post will probably upset a few dog owners. Unfortunately, that is also part of the story – being that whenever you raise the problems you have with dogs, many dog owners (not all) go into denial.
Ballarat Foto Biennale – Portrait Prize
Suburban life– you have to chuckle
Land Development – who should fall on that sword
When a system is broken, how easily it is to point the figure at one person and say “It wasn’t me, it was that person over there.”
Continue reading Land Development – who should fall on that sword
Braddon and that Bowling Club
Braddon is cool – well not quite yet
Braddon should be cool. I said something similar two years ago.
George W Bell
Special presentation on George W Bell
George Bell (1920 – 2008) was member of Group M – in Melbourne.
Holy Crime!
Planetary Gardening
This is an exhibition at photoaccess (Canberra) curated by Ashley Lumb and Laura McLean.
Clive Hamilton on Turnbull
being Turnbulled!
Author Clive Hamilton has been engaged in the climate debate for more than 20 years, with books selling worldwide.
Bland heralded as exciting
The local press has done its usual things and come on board with the government and the developers to spruik the imminent construction of buildings in the centre of Canberra.
The Medicare barn
Medicare was great. Having a universal health care system was the envy of many other countries.
International Women’s Day 2017
Women Photograph
Climate change – it’s happening
Climate change’s signature was writ large on Australia’s crazy summer of 2017
Frank Hurley
photo-essay on Frank Hurley images
A selection of photographs taken from one of Frank Hurley’s books…
The Art of great window display
one of the pleasures of life – relaxing and watching the birds..
Randy Newman
Randy Newman on PUTIN
Time for some fun – and a new song from Randy Newman…
Book Review: Girt: The Unauthorised History of Australia -David Hunt
My knowledge of Australian history is patchy – I know the basics and much more. History interest me but usually most history books are far too dry. Then along comes this book with that title: GIRT.
Being Turnbulled
The Rolling Stones
Review: Blue & Lonesome
Once upon a time thought The Rolling Stones were one of the great rock’n’roll bands – who also occasionally sang the blues. In between those early years and now there was not a lot of great music from the Stones – loads of concerts and a mix of music – some good and some ok. Would they ever make great music again?
Footpath recycling takes over Dickson
As a person who walks for exercise around the local area, I get to observe the changes through the suburb.
Yassmin Abdel-Magied
Rebecca Huntley Still Lucky
Book Review
Still Lucky, Rebecca Huntley, 2017. This is a good book. The message is clear – Australians are far more optimistic than we have been led to believe by our governments and the media. This researcher has done the research, travelled the country, talked to loads of people over many years. If you are interested in her reports on her research and comments – this book will give you all that and more.
Being Turnbulled
That idiot Scott Morrison laughs!
Very good article about how low Australian politicians have travelled – and their lies about the dangers of climate change. Click here.
Shopping in Sydney
ACT politicians and planning?
It was several months ago that the suburbs were being infiltrated regularly by ACT politicians trying to get attention – anyone’s attention.
Being Turnbulled
Turnbull on alternative facts and energy
Two stories that point to the big problem we have here in Australia.
Jonathan Jones
Chuck Prophet
Review: Bobby Fuller Died For Your Sins
Released February 2017. Rating 4/5 – highly recommended.
Helen Garner
Review: Everywhere I Look, Helen Garner
Here’s a good read. Being a selection of essays and diary notes based on many events and sometimes those quite happenings that one observes.
I have not read any Helen Garner’s work but have a reasonable awareness of the topics she writes on. Other reviewers have related this work to previous writings – for me I had to take it all on face value.
ACT Chief Planner – to be or not to be
Following a couple of pieces in the local press, one would think that the ACT Government’s planning was in turmoil because key people are on the move.
Equity in politics
The wonderful world of contemporary politics
Here’s the famous photo. The world saw the problem? and…