New Music: Prodigal Son
There’s a wonderful group of videos on YouTube – featuring Ry Cooder in the studio performing new songs from Prodigal Son.
There’s a wonderful group of videos on YouTube – featuring Ry Cooder in the studio performing new songs from Prodigal Son.
Neil Young’s entire catalog is available to stream for free on his newly launched archival website. Wow!!! – Thanks Neil
A review of Dark Matter – click here.
This is an album I am playing a lot. My rating would be 5/5.
here’s a re-issue of some really beautiful – magnificent music.
Dark Matter, Randy Newman’s first album of new material in nine years, is due August 4 on Nonesuch; vinyl on August 18.
You would have heard many songs over the decades – but this is something new.
A new Steve Earle album is due out soon – this time, with a few friends, moving back to his roots – being country music.
It has been a while since we have seen a ‘greatest hits’ by Lyle Lovett – and this collection is one to have.
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band : is this the best popular music has to offer? Paul Townsend, flickr, CC BY
My comments have nit changed much from my previous post on Rhiannon Giddens: This 2017 album features a woman with a strong and beautiful voice – singing folk songs of America – making very beautiful Americana music.
Wonderful music from Ry Cooder – see Youtube below..
Here’s a challenge – Bob Dylan in slow swing doing this set of 30 songs. I recommend listening to these with the volume up – not soft.
I enjoyed 2015’s Shadows in the Night & also the 2016’s Fallen Angels. I recommend both of those albums.
I cannot be! That it is 50 years since at around 11pm when I was suppose to be asleep in bed, that I heard this music coming from the lounge room.
Oh how we wish for more voices to be critical of the current political class and their hangers-on – and I include many journalists as being hangers-on.
Time for some fun – and a new song from Randy Newman…
Once upon a time thought The Rolling Stones were one of the great rock’n’roll bands – who also occasionally sang the blues. In between those early years and now there was not a lot of great music from the Stones – loads of concerts and a mix of music – some good and some ok. Would they ever make great music again?
Released February 2017. Rating 4/5 – highly recommended.
One very nice recording just out by Suzanne Vega.
Here’s a fun story about two musicians and how they made this album. They hopped on the train and then jumped off at stops along the way to record a song – while making sure they were back on board as the train left. And yes – the music is good stuff. Definitely worth a listen if you are a follower of Billy Bragg and Joe Henry. Click here for more on the album.
Yes, there’s a new album out by our man, Leonard Cohen.
A collaboration between the writer George Monbiot and musician Ewan McLennan seeking to use music and word to open up the issue of loneliness and bring people together.
Here’s an album for the many Van Morrison fans. They will love it.
A new song from Nick Cave – one you may need to stop and listen to especially when you realise when he wrote it – just after his son had died. Continue reading Nick Cave
Join two wonderful voices, join two approaches to making music and two lives that have crossed over several times, and you have two marvellous talents – and the result – a great album. Many of the songs are original – and some are covers. It’s all good stuff.
Recommended: Rating 8/10
The first thing to say is that tis is a great collection.
It is a new collection made by Tracy. The title – Greatest Hits – does not quite sit easily with this selection.
If you like Neil Young’s music, then this album must make its way into your collection. This is Neil Young at his best and doing so as a Blues musician.
The music is from live recordings from 1987 – 1988 and is more or less based around his studio album, This Note’s For You .
Paradise Is There: The New Tigerlily Recordings (2015)
It is the done thing for musicians to cover other musicians songs and to do new arrangements of those songs rather than just attempting to mimic them.