Tag Archives: politics
George Monbiot
despots galore
post-truth planning
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly is outraged
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly sets the scene for how planning might navigate the post-truth political landscape – click here.
Populism now divides, yet once it united the working class
The words populism and populist have no simple, coherent meaning.
Noam Chomsky
Neoliberalism Is Destroying Our Democracy
the democracy experiment continues – but will it get beyond the influence of neoliberalism
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton makes a fiery commencement speech at her alma mater – taking aim at Trump and his colleagues. She makes the speech nearly 50 years after graduating from Wellesley College in 1969
Michelle Obama
Being Turnbulled
Facts Matter
Barbara Streisand on Trump
Good to see people at last calling out Trump on his habitual lies. click here.
Inner south residents and Kurrajong candidates
On Tuesday night there was another debate between the Kurrajong candidates and the electorate – this time staged by the Inner South Canberra Community Council.
Continue reading Inner south residents and Kurrajong candidates
Trams for Canberra
Oh- what a silly debate – Trams for Canberra
The ACT Election is happening right now. Every forum or debate eventually gets hijacked by the Liberals in the campaign to oppose the tram. Continue reading Trams for Canberra
Dirty Politics
Comments: on the sad state of politics
Here in Australia we have suffered a series of dirty political events that have led to the election of one of the worst possible national governments. However it always an education to pop one’s head up over the wall to look to see how other countries are faring.
Here are links to two bad cases mentioned in recent articles.
Big Corporations and Inequity
Comment: More on Corporations and Inequity
I had reviewed Andrew Leigh’s very good 2013 book, Battlers & Billionaires – click here. Just this week there has been announcements from an American campaign that is raining voices about the control the corporate elite have on the country and how this is destroying the planet and our civil societies. click here
Big Corporations
Brickworks, Austral Bricks, Developers & political shenanigans
Commentary: emails and corporate shenanigans and lies
Brickworks – Austral Bricks – Developers and political shenanigans
The Abbott funding scandal story gets more interesting day by day.
I am referring to the story generated by the release of the emails between Brickworks (owner of Austral Bricks among other subsidiaries) and the Chief of Staff for Tony Abbott. The point being made now is how this company assisted in the lies about and attacks on carbon pricing while they made profits from the government subsidies then available. click here
Paul Costigan, 10 September 2014
When news gets weird
The Australia Council for the Arts
The Monster Morrison and his freind
commentary: Good journalism
There are still journalists who tell it as it is really happening. A few.
I link here to two stories relating to two of Australia’s most evil men. There’s a few more!
One is a story of both of them by Jenna Price in the Canberra Times.
Climate Deniers
Commentary: Big Coal, Climate Change and the Australian Government
It seems the news about the intelligence of the Australian government just continues to be depressing. Just how bad can they get? Is Tone Rabbott a complete destructive idiot!
A Photograph
Team Australia
Remember Pig Iron Bob
Something to remember: Pig Iron Bob
Bob Menzies, the hero of the Liberal Party. Some of us have other thoughts about this man who wanted to sell out his country.
National Capital Authority
The NCA is no longer relevant
An opportunity has presented itself with the Commonwealth Government’s announcement to allow the National Capital Authority (NCA) to open up the Parliamentary Triangle to more commercial opportunities. (CT 12 July, Page 1, Shopping in the triangle? It’s a private matter)
I have no problem at all with more commercial activity happening within the Parliamentary Triangle. The question is just how to intelligently implement such a change to this landscape that presently serves as a national monument.
Another Amazon story
France takes a stand against the giant Amazon in an effort to safeguard its own culture of having viable bookstores. Good news for the French. Hope other are watching. Again, it may be time to shop anywhere but at Amazon. Click here.
Paul Costigan, 29 June 2014
A Government Most Foul
Comment: while Clive distracts, this foul government moves against refugees
This country via its elected government has moved to do the unthinkable.
While we all thought that our government was already dealing out extraordinary cruel treatment to people who have had to leave everything and seek asylum in Australia, the Immigration Minister has proposed more foul legislation for Parliament to consider.
Canberra Urbanity & Development
Recent Canberra Government development announcements
In recent weeks and months there have been several significant development proposals announced by the territory (ACT) government in Canberra. If all the government’s ambitions come to fruition then residents about to witness some very serious alterations and additions to the make-up of several parts of the inner city urban fabric.
President Obama on Climate Change
From the LA Times – Obama on Climate Change
Australians can only wonder what the President thought about after having his conversations with the Prime Minister of Australia knowing that this is the man who proudly said climate change is crap.
Hug A Climate Scientist
Equity in Australian Political Leadership
Politics and Equity
Once upon a time in the not too distant past a gathering of Australian State/Territory Premiers and the Prime Minister looked like this image below.
and now? Continue reading Equity in Australian Political Leadership
Something Really Scary
Politics Australia 2014 Style
Do you want to see something really really scary?
The Monthly has published an excellent article of the Abbott crowd and how his old boys are in charge. The image on the cover is worrying simply because it is so factual. The artist has captured their collective personalities far too accurately.
Do not show this image to children. Click here.
Not In Our Name
A Reminder: March in March (2014)
there’s so many issues
This government draws its strength from others and from their belief in the right to be in government. This government does not care what is being said by people such as those in the March in March protest. This government would view the protesters as being the problem, not their messages. It is going to be a difficult few years living in a country where democracy is being trashed.
It is worth checking the latest list of The Rabbott’s national wreckage – click here.
Paul Costigan, 5 April 2014
status of women
Opinion: Girls can do everything, just not all at once
Canberra Times Article, by Marie Coleman
With the first female Governor General now having departed the scene, it was indeed timely for a local writer to sum up the messy situation that occurred thanks to our infamous Prime Minister.
That is, The Rabbott took this opportunity of the departure of this well-loved person from this high office, to confuse any celebration by announcing that he was bringing back the out of date honours of Knighthoods and Dames. To rub it in fully, The Rabbott announced that Quentin Bryce was to be the first to be honoured.
Operation Silly Buggers
re-Post: From Crikey
Operation Secretive Bureaucrats: it just keeps expanding
There’s a Crikey post on Australia’s Operation Sovereign Borders – or more accurately – Operation Silly Buggers. The article is on Crikey and may or may not be available to everyone as it requires a log-in. But hopefully it will work as it says it all about the lunacy of our Rabbott government. click here.
Being Bossy
Not All Good Leaders Are Bossy
We should be doing everything we can to ensure leadership positions are available to women. But in the process let’s not forget that some women prefer to plot their world domination quietly.
Click here for a nice article in The Atlantic identifying that we have to do something about linking being bossy and leadership.
Tent Embassy
A new future for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra
The tent embassy has had a mixed history since the first one was established in January 1972 in Canberra right in front of the former Parliament House. There is a reasonably full history on wikipedia – click here. It is worth reading.
Presently the number of tents varies as does the level of activity. Over the years I am aware that the government as well as the National Capital Authority have had discussions about its future. Nothing has changed except for the comings and goings of the residents.
climate’s dark art
dealing with climate’s dark art
The desperate need for frank, honest, timely and evidence based advice.
Remember how things were during the more optimistic days of living in Australia, when climate change was not a dirty word or two?I am referring to the times of the Kevin Rudd and then Julie Gillard governments.
Back then the country was known internationally as taking a whole raft of initiatives to deal with climate change mitigation and adaptation.
climate dark art
climate dark art
The desperate need for frank, honest, timely and evidence based advice.
Remember how things were during the more optimistic days of living in Australia, when climate change was not a dirty word or two?I am referring to the times of the Kevin Rudd and then Julie Gillard governments.
Back then the country was known internationally as taking a whole raft of initiatives to deal with climate change mitigation and adaptation.
I have to admit that I found the public sector involved in these areas to be under all sorts of pressures. The then government’s priorities kept changing as they worked through what they could and couldn’t do, given the nature of the controls other parties had over the government’s policies.
Opinion: Bank
more news about our friends, the Banks!
Amongst the news items in the last week was the report on the enormous profits by Australia’s Commonwealth Bank. This one slipped through while the media was taken up with all the usual superficial distractions.
Get Real on Climate Change
Definitely time to Get Real about Climate Change
There are may time as a citizen, that one despairs that any government is really going to Get Real about climate change.
This is more frustrating because as we all know that they have at their finger tips all the advice and scientific information necessary for intelligent and timely decisions. Yet for so many governments, it is business as usual.
Climate Change voices
Comment: More Climate Change Voices required
It is definitely time for political leaders and other voices to take the issues of climate change up to the mainstream media and the bunch of nut jobs who we politely call climate deniers.
The United States President and the White House team have been unable to deliver on its climate and environmental agendas due to the emasculation of anything sensible by the legislators. This should not stop any or all of them making more leadership statements to encourage the rest of the world and their own state governments to get on with dealing with the enormous challenges.
Climate Change Voices
Comment: More Climate Change Voices required
It is definitely time for political leaders and other voices to take the issues of climate change up to the mainstream media and the bunch of nut jobs who we politely call climate deniers.
The United States President and the White House team have been unable to deliver on its climate and environmental agendas due to the emasculation of anything sensible by the legislators.
This should not stop any or all of them making more leadership statements to encourage the rest of the world and their own state governments to get on with dealing with the enormous challenges.
Déjà vu
Opinion: Rabbott defence of Navy actions
With all the spin and calls to be patriotic and to use the Navy for its political purposes, the Rabbott government has carried on with its attack on the ABC.
Opinion: On the growth of inequity in society
The ever increasing gap between the rich and the poor
I did not think the day would come in my lifetime when I would find myself agreeing with a speech made by a Pope.
There are many issues unresolved about his church and many nasty things that it remains responsible for. It is one house that needs to get so many things in order before it can be credible on the world stage.
However at least on the topic of inequity this Pope seems to have hit the nail on the head.
Leadership: This church sign says it all
This message follows another the week before about national issues – click here
Urban Heat
Opinion: Urban Trees and Heat
A case study of neglect and willful blindness?
There was a routine piece in the Canberra Times about the current heat wave, temperature around and above 40 Degrees Celsius, and backyard trees or in some case about the lack of them. The article pointed to the now well established reality, that during such times those residential properties that lacked shade were suffering higher temperatures.
Urban Trees and Heat
Opinion Editorial: Urban Trees and Heat
A case study of neglect and willful blindness?.
(cross posted from our other blog)
Threats to Climate Action
Opinion: Climate in danger from Australia
Threats to Climate Action
re-post from the Guardian
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Once upon a time, not that many years ago, Australia was on the world stage as a leading in actions on climate change. It was not that a lot had actually happened. The truth was that a many new initiatives were being proposed.
The aura was that the country was on the move. The Australian Government was open to do business on climate change.
Other countries were admiring the remarkable turn around on climate change actions from those of the previous Howard government years. If you happened to have been overseas, you felt proud of your country and were able to discuss these issues in the knowledge that your country was out their doing its stuff; or at least about to do so.
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Opinion: Climate in danger from Australia
re-post from the Guardian
Once upon a time, not that many years ago, Australia was on the world stage as a leading in actions on climate change. It was not that a lot had actually happened. The truth was that a many new initiatives were being proposed.
The aura was that the country was on the move. The Australian Government was open to do business on climate change. Continue reading Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Opinion: Political Stupidity Reigns Again
The Latest from our Rabbott Government
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The national edukashon minister announced that after years of development, years of consultations and a bloody huge amount of work, that he considers he needs to appoint two close political associates to look into getting ‘balance’ back into the curriculum. They state that they will be independent. That probably means their report will be independent of facts and of intellect.
It is obvious that this is more about getting the old ‘culture’ wars started again and to drive particular ideological points into the headlines while loads of other disastrous changes are being put through by the Rabbott.
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Opinion: Be afraid, be very Afraid
Stupidity in action
From The Guardian Australia: Tony Abbott’s top business adviser accuses IPCC of ‘dishonesty and deceit’. ‘The scientific delusion, the religion behind the climate crusade, is crumbling,’ Maurice Newman says.
It does not get much worse than this. The Rabbott government has been doing some stupid things of late, and there’s promise of even more stupidity to come in 2014.
Opinion: about manufacturing and innovation
and a few more topics
While I am not too worried about the closure of GM’s (Holden) manufacturing plants in Australia in 2017, I am concerned as to whether manufacturing as an Australian industry and its associated innovations are not being supported. It is hard to find intelligent comment on these subjects in the Australian media.
Political Distraction
Opinion: Rabbott Distracts while cutting deep
Very cleverly the Rabbott Government used the ‘shock’ announcements of vehicle manufacturing closures to distract attention from the government’s cuts to key social programs.
The mainstream media filled headline after headline about the closure of a particular car manufacturing company.
Our loyal opposition parties did not help as they joined in crying out loud through the media about the closures. Meanwhile damage was being done elsewhere in plain sight.
Arts Minister
Opinion: Where are Australia’s National Arts Ministers?
The story starts here: (allow 4 minutes)
and then..
The Bowal Yacht Squadron
The Search for Debt and Deficit Emergency: A Day with the Bowral Yacht Squadron
It’s early dawn and the famous Bowral Yacht Squadron sets out for a day’s adventure on the high seas. This is much anticipation about the task ahead!