Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Opinion: Be afraid, be very Afraid

Stupidity in action

From The Guardian Australia: Tony Abbott’s top business adviser accuses IPCC of ‘dishonesty and deceit’. ‘The scientific delusion, the religion behind the climate crusade, is crumbling,’ Maurice Newman says.

It does not get much worse than this. The Rabbott government has been doing some stupid things of late, and there’s promise of even more stupidity to come in 2014.

rabbott01But even the advisers are dumb, more dumb than can be believed. Have a look at the hair style. He is faking having hair on the top of his head. He has no qualifications in anything remotely scientific. He is a bloke who knows how to screw people out of their money. And he wants us to believe him?

Click on here for the Guardian Article.

and for more responses to this lunacy: read this


This from one of the responses to the guardian piece: (suggest scan quickly and read the last couple of lines)

Maurice Newman  “Biography: He retired as Chairman of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX Limited) on 24 September 2008. His career spans forty years in stockbroking and investment banking, including as Managing Director in 1984, and Executive Chairman from 1985 until 1999, of what is now the Deutsche Bank Group in Australia. He was Chairman of the Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific Advisory Board and a Director of Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific from 1999 to 2001. He was also Chairman of Deutsche Asset Management (Australia) Limited from 1997 until 2000.

Mr Newman retired from Deutsche Bank in July 2001. Mr Newman has chaired a number of Asian business alliances including the East Asia and Oceania Stock Exchange Federation, and the Australia Taiwan Business Council.

Mr Newman has been an adviser to Australian governments, as a member of the Consultative Committee on Relations with Japan (1984–1987); a Commissioner of the National Commission of Audit (1996); a member of the Business Advisory Panel established by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs (1997–2002); Chairman of the National Judging Panel for Innovation in Local Government (1997–1998); Chairman of the Commonwealth Government’s National Year 2000 Steering Committee (1997–2000) and the Business Mature Age Workforce Advisory Group (2000–2001); Co-Chair of the Singapore Australia Business Alliance Forum (1999–2002); Chairman of the Federal Treasurer’s Financial Sector Advisory Council (1998–2007); Member of the New South Wales Premier’s Major Events Board (2002–2004); Chairman of the Sydney Convention & Visitors Bureau (2001–2007); and Chairman of Tourism NSW (2002–2007).

In 1997, he was Australia’s Private Sector Representative to the First Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Business Forum held in London; and in 1999 led a delegation of senior Australian executives to New York promoting “Australia, the Dynamic Success Story of the Asia Pacific – A Centre for Global Financial Services”.

Mr Newman was the Chairman of Acrux Limited (1999–2003); Chairman of the Sydney Legacy Citizen’s Committee (1998–2004); Member of the Advisory Committee of Australasian Medical Insurance Ltd (January – August 2003); Member of the Advisory Council of the Asia Society AustralAsia Centre (2001–2004); Member of the Business Council of Australia’s Chairmen’s Panel (2003–2007); and Civil Patron, Royal Australian Naval Reserves, Professional Studies Program (2005–2009).

He served as Chancellor of Macquarie University from 2002 to February 2008; and as a Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 2000 to 2004.

In 2002 Mr Newman was appointed an Advisor to the Marsh Group of Companies. In June 2004, he was appointed a Director of the Queensland Investment Corporation.”

Nope nothing here about scientific credentials, absolutely nothing.

A self-interested windbag with a cheque book and a puppet to advise.



Paul Costigan, 1 January 2014


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