Political Distraction

Opinion: Rabbott Distracts while cutting deep

rabbott01Very cleverly  the Rabbott Government used the ‘shock’ announcements of vehicle manufacturing closures to distract attention from the government’s cuts to key social programs.

The mainstream media filled headline after headline about the closure of a particular car manufacturing company.

Our loyal opposition parties did not help as they joined in crying out loud through the media about the closures. Meanwhile damage was being done elsewhere in plain sight.

This was a well-managed maneuver by the Rabbott government to use the media to distract the public from the damaging decisions being made to social programs.  Not many journalists picked up on this. Not exactly a surprise.

More of a worry is that this last couple of weeks was more likely a dry run for things to come. Use confusion and distraction to make headlines and meanwhile what is the real game?

One journalist was watching. Click here.

About how we totally under value child care – click here

Our national economic writer probably summed up the truth on the vehicle manufacture closures – here’s his piece.

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