Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Opinion: Political Stupidity Reigns Again

The Latest from our Rabbott Government

rabbott01Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The national edukashon minister announced that after years of development, years of consultations and a bloody huge amount of work, that he considers he needs to appoint two close political associates to look into getting ‘balance’ back into the curriculum. They state that they will be independent. That probably means their report will be independent of facts and of intellect.

It is obvious that this is more about getting the old ‘culture’ wars started again and to drive particular ideological points into the headlines while loads of other disastrous changes are being put through by the Rabbott.

Their friends in the Murdoch press will love this as they can create loads of headlines in their lost cause to sell newspapers.

Worse still, by bringing on these distractions, creeps such as those from the Institute of Public Affairs will be called on to make all manner of stupid statements. Just watch and listen to the ABC in the coming months. Dear Aunty will have to provide even more ‘balance’ on these debates and for some reason beyond me, that means we get to hear more from the  likes of the Institute of Public Affairs – a tax payer assisted,  free market, super right-wing, private institute.

To be honest, the less said about this the better. But comments such as those on The Conversation (click here) should be noted and then we should all stop reading about it and concentrate on the issues that Rabbott and co want us not to pay attention to.


Paul Costigan, 12 January 2014

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