Battlers & Billionaires

Review: Book

Battlers & Billionaires, Andrew Leigh 2013

lc-leadn-malone-20130720164836879543-300x0Have you been wondering whether Australia is that egalitarian society we keep talking about especially in comparisons with other western societies?

As I write this review we are witnessing a millionaire, Clive Palmer, use his wealth to buy personal power in the Australian Parliament. At the same time the millionaire clan of Gina Rinehart and her children are locked in some court battle over a family feud over their millions.

In his quick read book, Andrew Leigh looks back at various chapters in Australia’s development and makes comment on the changes to equality in our society.

His comments on the last couple of decades bring it all home and send us a timely alert as to where a ‘fair go’ Australia-style is heading. To be more optimistic, Andrew provides a very clear picture of where we are today and his research indicates how we got here. He then provides the clues that could see Australian live up to the notions of being that egalitarian society we all want it to be. A good read and one that will make you think.

Shame Australia has just elected a government that will not be reading this type of literature and is not capable of introducing the sort of policies suggested by Andrew.

Recommended: 9/10

PS: Andrew happens to be my local member of the House of Representatives.

Other postings mentioning Andrew Leigh – click here


Paul Costigan, October 2013

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