As with other cases like this, the ACT Government bureaucracy fails to see the logic and ignores the consequences of their stupidity. A site visit would inform anyone of the issues.
I have written about this in City News
As with other cases like this, the ACT Government bureaucracy fails to see the logic and ignores the consequences of their stupidity. A site visit would inform anyone of the issues.
I have written about this in City News
It came as a shock to hear a community leader class a community site as a wasteland.
All cities have their city square or equivalent.
Like many cities, coffee shops/ cafes pop up everywhere that there is a new development.
Sometimes we fool ourselves that equity is being treated seriously by most sector of society.
Could not agree more with this article. We have had some bad experiences in our local wetland park.
Recommended reading for all of us as we try to work out what the hell happened with democracy and how our governments have ruined this country.
This is a great place to stop – click here
There’s a wonderful group of videos on YouTube – featuring Ry Cooder in the studio performing new songs from Prodigal Son.
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
It only usually takes a moment to gauge what sort of service you are to receive when you enter a café.
A small selection of photographs from wandering around this wonderful complex city.
Mythomania: Tales of Our Times from Apple to ISIS – by Peter Conrad, Thames and Hudson
Several years ago I had listened to most of Peter Conrad’s BBC podcasts on his topic of Myths – and loved them.
I have read just a little of this book so far – but can say that it as good as if not better than listening to the podcasts of Peter’s broadcasts. It is now part of my reading for the next weeks. And there are new topics covered.
I am not sure when my desire for mince pies and Christmas cakes and puddings started.
Neil Young’s entire catalog is available to stream for free on his newly launched archival website. Wow!!! – Thanks Neil
This story starts with standing outside the Museum of Sydney taking in an outdoor display of a cottage garden – complete with vegetables and herbs.
It has been many years since I have wandered amongst the tulips of Floriade.
Some issues just do not go away. Dogs that are dangerous or potentially dangerous is such a topic.
Back in 2013 plans were announced for the next stage of Canberra’s Constitution Avenue.
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
There are many reasons why people trek out to the Canberra Regional Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
The Cultural Landscape Foundation wants to connect people to the places of culture around them. click here
A review of Dark Matter – click here.
draft 9 August
There’s been an increase in conversations about avoiding the use of plasticized mugs for take away coffee.
Our lust for originality is wrecking the city, delivering a rash of formally new but ultimately anti-urban hideous skyline baubles reducing city-making to a spectacle of super-size billboard branding gestures while inhibiting the multiplication of good ideas. Click here
The words populism and populist have no simple, coherent meaning.
Good article by Miguel Córdova Ramírez on the teaching of architecture.
A list of women in music – turning the tables; click here
Have you taken a stroll around the Parliamentary Triangle recently?
Walking in on an artist’s install of their exhibition can be an interesting way to learn more about an artist and their work.
Lolo and Lola Filipino restaurant opens in Watson (Canberra)
This is an album I am playing a lot. My rating would be 5/5.
GANG GANG arrives in Downer
Always good to celebrate when a suburban centre rises again.
here’s a re-issue of some really beautiful – magnificent music.
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
Interesting read – but I think they let the architects off too easily. Click here.
For people who live in the older tree filled suburbs of Canberra, being not only the inner north but also out to west Belconnen and the older parts of Woden, Weston and inner Tuggeranong – I have a holiday experience for you.
John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers with Gary Moore – So Many Roads
this is my second post on this book:
here’s a new review of the book on The Guardian – click here
k.d. lang performs “Constant Craving” on MTV Unplugged.
Dark Matter, Randy Newman’s first album of new material in nine years, is due August 4 on Nonesuch; vinyl on August 18.
Out on 14 July 2017 Continue reading Natalie Merchant
The Uber CEO is gone – why?
click here for the story in The Guardian and read about Susan Fowler, the person who did not do as advised – to ignore the sexist behaviour around her.
Everyone is invited to the next Flix’n Dickson “Christmas in July” Party
Yet again the media has misunderstood what Pauline Hanson said!
You would have heard many songs over the decades – but this is something new.
the Rijksmuseum is presenting a major retrospective of 19th-century photography – click here
As listed: Dr Anne Mary Gray AM
says it all.. the idiot of Australian politics
“This is one attempt to uncover how we got to this surreal political moment. It is also an attempt to predict how, under cover of shocks and crises, it could get a lot worse.
And it’s a plan for how, if we keep our heads, we might just be able to flip the script and arrive at a radically better future.” — From the Introduction
While Australia is a great country – it has been a long time since we have experienced a government that was actually committed to its culture.
A new Steve Earle album is due out soon – this time, with a few friends, moving back to his roots – being country music.
It has been a while since we have seen a ‘greatest hits’ by Lyle Lovett – and this collection is one to have.
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band : is this the best popular music has to offer? Paul Townsend, flickr, CC BY
Searching for Frank Hurley along our northern beaches
Did you know that Frank Hurley was a very keen gardener and photographer of wild flowers?
In April 2018 The Manly Art Gallery and Museum will be launching a very special exhibition titled: Frank Hurley – Sydney Harbour photographer: From Circular Quay to Collaroy.
Dear Willie Nelson heard rumours about his own death.
click here for my review and comments on Tracey Moffatt’s exhibition at the 2017 Venice Biennale.
Here’s a few of the exhibitions in Canberra this month.
What will an eBook be 20 years from now? What will a book be?
Nick Earls, The University of Queensland Continue reading The Future of Books
Do we have examples of good residential architecture in Canberra?
This is a follow up to a previous post back in 2016 – when I questioned some of the ‘innovations’ being offered in the new MacBook Pros.
I have already reviewed this book – click here.
However I cannot stop pondering the challenge this story throws up for anyone interested in equity, fairness, and the role of the media in so many aspects of our daily lives.
If we had a real media, this story would have been totally different. Instead what happened here was the total manipulation of the media and through them members of the public, by all forms of malicious groups of people and individuals.
About the architecture along Northbourne Avenue
The saga of the proposed Garden Bridge over the Thames in London has been well covered in the UK press. It is indeed a saga. It is about a folly.
It was on hearing certain phrases used over and over again on Australian TV programs talking about the 2016 US election campaign that I became suspicious that we were witnessing a lazy press.
Almost daily the media was taking the same phrases and words and using them over and over again – with no evidence that they could be accurate except that they were the words and phrases being used by most journalists and commentators at the time.
On the basis we were supposed to accept their words as fact.
Exhibition of Regis Lansac’s photographs at Janet Clayton Gallery:
3-28 May 2017 – click here for more on
There is no doubt that Anzac Parade is very special.
There’s an article in Straits Times about photographer Koh Kim Chay and his decades of photographing the ubiquitous government flats of Singapore.
My comments have nit changed much from my previous post on Rhiannon Giddens: This 2017 album features a woman with a strong and beautiful voice – singing folk songs of America – making very beautiful Americana music.
Wonderful music from Ry Cooder – see Youtube below..
The theme being – Future thinking
From the publishers:
Although the term and precise starting point might be disputed, many anthropologists believe that ‘behavioural modernity’ – when certain traits such as abstract thinking and symbolic behaviour are said to have emerged in humans – started around 50,000 years ago.
From the publishers: Most Australians despise what Pauline Hanson stands for, yet politics in this country is now orbiting around One Nation. In this timely Quarterly Essay, David Marr looks at Australia’s politics of fear, resentment and race. Who votes One Nation, and why? How much of this is due to inequality? How much to racism? How should the major parties respond to anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim voices? What damage do Australia’s new entrepreneurs of hate inflict on the nation?
Here’s a challenge – Bob Dylan in slow swing doing this set of 30 songs. I recommend listening to these with the volume up – not soft.
I enjoyed 2015’s Shadows in the Night & also the 2016’s Fallen Angels. I recommend both of those albums.
This is a must read for the articles on the ALT-Right by Richard Cooke – who pulls no punches and tells it as we all know it but it seems few in the press are game to do – well done Richard; and then there’s a condemning article – with maybe far too much detail – but totally providing an accurate picture of the damage done to the NBN by Malcolm Turnbull and his pals. And what a cover!
Nice online exhibition of photographs – from The Washington Post – click here.