The Judgement of History
Here’s George Monbiot’s piece on the crimes committed by the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and the UK Chilcot Report. click here
Here’s George Monbiot’s piece on the crimes committed by the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and the UK Chilcot Report. click here
George has offered a positive take on the Brexit vote. He has published his thoughts on seeing the opportunities despite the nastiness of those who championed the exit vote. Click here.
The evidence continues of just how bad this man has been as Prime Minister. Click here or on the image for this sad tale. and
Here’s an article that deals with the lies being told by the present Prime minister on Medicare. Click here.
There’s a must read article on the lies and myths put around by the current prime Minister on the housing issue – sadly for the country and young people he is of course too close to the property lobby to fix this problem. click here.
I cannot say that I understand what the UK lobby for the exit from the EU is all about. Nor can I say which option is the better. Sadly George Monbiot has clarified this with his usual precise summation of a dreadful situation.
More on the Australia’s contribution to the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale
More from Michael Moore on the topic that should be the top of the list of issues for the coming elections – click here.
There is a now a long list of candidates announced for the 2016 ACT Government election.
Continue reading Politicians fly too close to the sun
Can it get any worse?
Here’s an article on Malcolm Turnbull’s government and his environment minister and their attitude towards the environment and climate change – and the Great Barrier Reef. Click here.
click on the image for the story about Turnbull and the arts – and then
In so many ways Australia was being Turnbulled by Malcolm Turnbull.
Now he and his treasurer have struck out against women – when will this stop? Click here for the story about the budget.
This is the on-going sad story about how Australia has a federal government, led by a Top Hat prime minister, who has now adopted the postion of the climate sceptics. Here’s an article that talks about the latest – with the ACT Government out in front and the federal government continuing to Turnbull the country. click here.
Australia is being Turnbulled over and over again. When will the country get rid of this pretend government – that is really a committee of the IPA?
The whole truckies pay debate has been yet another example of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) running the agenda.
Here’s a good read by George Monbiot – Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems. Think John Howard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. Click here.
The government’s response to the Top Hat bankers’ rampage through the economy is yet another case of smoke and mirrors. This is in effect putting the Top Hats in charge of the regulator and at the same time pretending to fund ASIC. Turnbull and his crew are Top Hats looking after their Top Hat mates.
There are many things about the current ACT Government that are causing concerns, to me and local residents I meet with often – and I think most of us voted for them.
Here’s a wonderful example of how the media and the public are being fooled and used by Top Hat Turnbull in his government’s dubious efforts to destroy the union movement. As blogged by Vince O’Grady, here is a post titled: ” More Egregious words used by the liberals. Disgraceful falsification of the facts.” Click here
There was another of those special announcements by the Prime Minister today that was supposed to impress.
After so many months of muddle – we now have ‘decisive’ and bold’ actions. Sadly they have so far proved to be mostly hot air. But the press has been impressed.
There are many nasty things about the current Turnbull government. Granted he is not Abbott, but he has instead installed a very strange set of protocols for how he deals with – or not deals with – many difficult issues.
Mike Jones, University of Melbourne and Deb Verhoeven, Deakin University. This article was originally published on The Conversation.
another male federal politician, another of Malcolm Turnbull’s chosen boys, demonstrates how being patronizing to women must be a qualification for being in the Turnbull government.
Continue reading Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
Australia continues with inhumane treatment of people who were legal refugees.
Waiting for this one – a book about one of the weirdest periods of Australian politics. From the publishers:
Credlin & Co. How the Abbott Government Destroyed Itself by Aaron Patrick. Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, ran a brilliant opposition campaign. But their approach led to disaster in government.
There is talk in the art world about the National Gallery of Australia’s (NGA) changes to their permanent collection galleries and how this has included the movement of the famous Jackson Pollock painting, Blue Poles, from its long historic position downstairs to the upstairs galleries.
How we forgot how to govern, Laura Tingle, November 2015
This is a recommended read for those with any sort of interest in how Australia has been and continues to be manged by the political ruling classes for the last couple of decades. I cannot say that anything Laura Tingle wrote about was shocking news, given my own experiences of dealing with governments and their bureaucracies, but her insights and observations are definitely worth the read.
If you happen to be driving past the South African Embassy in Canberra, you may notice a lonely and disused sentry box on the corner near the entrance to the embassy and its residence.
There are so many stories to be told around the installation of the memorial to the 353 people who drowned while attempting the journey to Christmas Island on 19th October 2001.
Some good thoughts on the current tax debate – click here.
The interviews on the ABC program Kitchen Cabinet are in some cases simply soft propaganda for particular politicians.
I remain totally unconvinced about the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull. I agree that the country is far far better off now that Abbott is no longer out there trying to terrify everyone.
I often wondered whether Abbott was not quite sane – and more recent events have done nothing to dispel this thought.
Oh my god! I have been denied my chance of ever being made a knight in Australia!
I suspect that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is still locked into appeasing those on the far right that this country needs to reduce its spending on the social welfare programs. There is little evidence that the Turnbull government is looking to have the top wealthy few and big business pay their share of taxes and thus increase the revenue.
The ACT Government and its business advisors have adopted a destructive language to justify their negative approach to parklands and open spaces in Canberra.
It was not that long ago that this country had someone else as its prime minister. Luckily his presence in our political life has already commenced to fade away as if it was just a bad dream.
There certainly were some moments of true stupidity as well as some very evil deeds carried out. It may take quite a while for the country to recover.
There’s been a lot of stuff written about the end of the Abbott debacle.
Here is a very good summation. Please click here.
It was while visiting regional towns in Victoria that I was reminded of quite silly events that are happening back home, or at least close to home.
It is very embarrassing to have your own federal government so wrong on crucial matters such as climate change and the treatment of refugees.
I support the introduction of light rail networks across Canberra. We should not be having this debate in 2015. The first tracks should have been laid down in the late 1950s or at least by the mid 1960s.
Here’s a couple of perspectives on the so-called ‘stop the boats’.
This sign has been mentioned by me previously – click here.
Continue reading Teams have opponents, communities have friends
It was during a recent North Canberra Community Council meeting that I realised I was hearing something very rare. The presenter was talking about fairly matter-of-fact issues to do with changes to local traffic lights and footpaths and it sounded as though she identified with the issues being dealt with.
Recently the Dickson Residents Group were sent copies of reports that were published following a series of consultations about the redevelopment of a range of sites in South Canberra.
Continue reading Dickson Parklands and Bureaucratic Failures
A political speech with a difference! She nailed the issue right on the head!
Here in Australia there is no-one like this in our Parliament. It is time for a change – where are the Australian Mhairi Blacks?
It often occurs while driving south along Limestone Ave, that you encounter a new message from a local church. Often they make powerful political statements on current issues.
There’s no doubt that while Greece is doing it tough and much of the damage was brought on by all forms of dubious practices within Greece and Europe’s banks, the attitude of Germany and the European Union will be remembered for all its nastiness. Yet again – George has hit the nail on the head. click here
We have endured several days of stuff written by the junk journalist writing on the Greece decision to reject the demands of the Intentional Monetary Fund. The Greeks voted no and the journalists have reproduced the media releases of those with ties to the Big Banks. It has taken a few days but at last some real journalism is appearing on this important topic.
George Monbiot has made a good call on the pope’s letter to the world on climate change – click here.
We all now sit back and watch the catholic prime minister of Australia, who is an ardent climate denier and environmental wrecker, deal with this message from his spiritual leader.
The dumbness of our political leaders just gets worse.
I met Jon Stanhope a couple of times when he was Chief Minister for the ACT. Canberra benefited from his leadership. He continues to be a person known for his strong ethical stance on important issues.
He also liked public art – but that program was killed off because of the Liberal Party trolls who used the media to hammer the program.
Be Warned – be Afraid – be Very Afraid
This is the third of several posts on planning and development issues for Dickson in Canberra. Residential groups around the country share similar frustrations, dilemmas and challenges in dealing with planning and development bureaucracies.
I have mentioned many times in previous posts just how sad it has become in this country in that our media has largely been corrupted. This has come about after years of attacks and more recently by careful placements of the ‘right’ people to board positions to influence the debates within the media, particularly our ABC.
This is going to be a tough year to get through. Australia has one of the meanest and morally corrupt governments imaginable. In fact it is not a government of the people, but a set of opportunist politicians with strings being pulled by many corporate interests including that foreigner, Rupert Murdoch.
When it comes to most main stream media outlets, I have no positive expectations that they will be able to report on events with any credibility. The best one can do is to note the event and if you require relevant background information, then you need to search around and possibly wait a day or two for some of the real journalism to offer opinions and their take on events.
There’s an article from The Guardian that says it all. It is a very good reality check on the spin and lies coming out of our major political parties at the moment. Neither have been honest with the reality of the situation for refugees and both are still caught in dealing with slogans.
When the Australian Government’s spokesperson, Tony Abbott announced in August, that we all had to be part of Team Australia, we all knew what it meant. From his perspective, you were either with ‘us’, or you are against ‘us’. This government is about inequity and being plain nasty to anyone it deems not to be part of their agenda – Team Australia.
There’s a good review of this book online that points to the book being a good read. This theme of the effect of the growing inequity on economics and the basis of capitalism is now commonly talked about. click here
As 2014 draws to an end, the Credlin Government spokesperson, Tony Abbott, went on TV to talk positive about the changes to the Ministerial portfolios just announced. It was supposed to be an opportunity to finish the year with a positive after being such a crap government all through 2014.
But he blew it. Again! Boss Credlin will be very unhappy. Again!
and his continued destruction of Australia’s way of life
If there was anyone left in Australia, who for one minute thought that the current Australian Federal Treasurer was anything but a mean and nasty politician, then all they had to do was observe his latest crimes. This man looks after his rich mates especially Big Coal, Banks and Big Miners; looks after this who pull his strings and keep him in power, Murdoch and their cohorts; and does all this by stripping back opportunities for health and well-being from those most disadvantaged.
Happy to promote this book. This story remains complex. There have been several thoughtful reviews of the book published online. As well as the usual crap from the mainstream media, who were part of the problem during Julia Gillard’s time as Prime Minister. Sara Dowse has provided an intelligent and insightful review that is definitely worth reading. click here.
Here in Australia we have suffered a series of dirty political events that have led to the election of one of the worst possible national governments. However it always an education to pop one’s head up over the wall to look to see how other countries are faring.
Here are links to two bad cases mentioned in recent articles.
I had reviewed Andrew Leigh’s very good 2013 book, Battlers & Billionaires – click here. Just this week there has been announcements from an American campaign that is raining voices about the control the corporate elite have on the country and how this is destroying the planet and our civil societies. click here
I had previously posted a link to a good commentary by Michael Moore of Canberra. He said among other scathing things: “Tobacco companies want to prove that plain packaging does not work because it is being seriously considered by other governments across the world.”
Just to remind you that this book is worth reading. Sadly the ending is a bit depressing in that Nick considers the power elite have reshuffled a little but carry on a s before.
It has also been interesting to read the story of Rebecca Brooks. The question has been posed elsewhere, was she just a user of the corporate and political systems in order to climb the ladder to join the ranks of those in power?
The Abbott funding scandal story gets more interesting day by day.
I am referring to the story generated by the release of the emails between Brickworks (owner of Austral Bricks among other subsidiaries) and the Chief of Staff for Tony Abbott. The point being made now is how this company assisted in the lies about and attacks on carbon pricing while they made profits from the government subsidies then available. click here
Paul Costigan, 10 September 2014
We all know that this government is doing everything it can to push through an ideological driven agenda for all aspects of Australian social life. With the blessing of the cluster of Vice Chancellors, the government wants to make the system favour those with money at the expense of those from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
There are still journalists who tell it as it is really happening. A few.
I link here to two stories relating to two of Australia’s most evil men. There’s a few more!
One is a story of both of them by Jenna Price in the Canberra Times.
It seems the news about the intelligence of the Australian government just continues to be depressing. Just how bad can they get? Is Tone Rabbott a complete destructive idiot!
Croakey author, Michelle Hughes, highlighted the ongoing inequities within the health science arena – click here.
I identify with her final comment on the selection of keynote speakers as the issue of getting women as key-note speakers was a focus of mine in the past. I did come up with a strategy to deal with it. See my notes below.
One wonders just how long all thinking Australians are going to put up with so many terrible decisions being made by a federal cabinet that has just the one token woman present. Jane Caro has written a very good piece in the Guardian on how that stupid Education Minister is putting into place even more barriers to equity in employment. click here.
Paul Costigan, 11 August 2014
I had read and reviewed Nick Davies former revelatory book, click here. Now Nick follows through with the more worrying story of the damage that has been done to the media following the phone hacking scandals.
The Guardian has published a terrifying article of just how far down this country is heading. As Tim Flannery says: The Great Barrier Reef is sick. Almost half of its coral is already dead and a massive new coal mine, which was given final approval this week, will only cause further damage. This is not just an issue for Australia, it affects us all.
Paul Costigan, 3 August 2014
The Guardian has published a terrifying article of just how far down this country is heading. As Tim Flannery says: The Great Barrier Reef is sick. Almost half of its coral is already dead and a massive new coal mine, which was given final approval this week, will only cause further damage. This is not just an issue for Australia, it affects us all.
Paul Costigan, 3 August 2014
Bob Menzies, the hero of the Liberal Party. Some of us have other thoughts about this man who wanted to sell out his country.
When you read the statistics on the range of dangerous changes already occurring to the planet because of climate changes, you do wonder about the stupid and dangerous decisions being made by the present Australian Government.
Suzanne Goldenberg has written that because of the changes to climate the world is nearly five times as dangerous and disaster prone as it was in the 1970s. Her reference is a new report from the World Meteorological Organisation.
Click here for that article.
Paul Costigan, 26 July 2014
An opportunity has presented itself with the Commonwealth Government’s announcement to allow the National Capital Authority (NCA) to open up the Parliamentary Triangle to more commercial opportunities. (CT 12 July, Page 1, Shopping in the triangle? It’s a private matter)
I have no problem at all with more commercial activity happening within the Parliamentary Triangle. The question is just how to intelligently implement such a change to this landscape that presently serves as a national monument.
This country via its elected government has moved to do the unthinkable.
While we all thought that our government was already dealing out extraordinary cruel treatment to people who have had to leave everything and seek asylum in Australia, the Immigration Minister has proposed more foul legislation for Parliament to consider.