Team Australia in 2015

Political outlook for Australia

rabbott01This is going to be a tough year to get through. Australia has one of the meanest and morally corrupt governments imaginable. In fact it is not a government of the people, but a set of opportunist politicians with strings being pulled by many corporate interests including that foreigner, Rupert Murdoch.

While most of the media outlets are compliant, there are a host of journalists that have continued to rise to the occasion to get the truth out there as much as humanly possible.

The year has commenced with all the important issues being discussed. Health policy has already being bungled and we are in week three of the year. The climate forecasts are continuing to be dire but our government is still stuck in the pockets of Big Coal and its corporate allies.

The whole approach to financial management is atrocious being in the hands of the most dangerous treasurer this country has seen. The country’s immigration issues, including the care of refugees has been a complete shame to any one with an interest in humanity and care for our fellow human beings. To make matters worse, just before Christmas the meanest Minister possible who had made it his job to punish refugees, was moved to another portfolio. This being Social Security where he is now to cut his way through the most vulnerable people in the country. Meanwhile his former portfolio of immigration, was handed to the former Health Minister, voted the most useless Minister for Health for the last 40 years.

But all is not lost, we just have to make to the next election in 2016. The voices of sane journalism are always welcomed. Here’s a few:

On Treasury and finances: click here.

On Medicare and health: click here.

On Climate: click here.

On alternative energy adoption: click here

there’s heaps more – so just stay optimistic.


Paul Costigan



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