Note to Australian Galleries – how to easily make a statement
click on the image for the story of how art galleries could make a stand against the Trump actions on equity and immigration.
I have said elsewhere about online surveys – they are useful but caution needs to apply if anyone intends to use them to inform planning. They are not reliable for that purpose.
It was reported today in the Crimes (what we call the Canberra Times) that the ACT Head of the Planning Directorate will not be renewing her contract due to end this April.
Continue reading Alternative Facts and the ACT Planning Chief
There’s a call by the ACT Government for residents to go online and to offer thoughts on the future of Haig Park.
News to hand that the ACT Head of the Planning Directorate will not be renewing her contract due to end this April.
If ever there was a time for Australia to have a leader who speaks for Australia – the time is now. Continue reading Turnbulled
It’s Chinese New Year again (28th January). This time around it is the year of the rooster.
Continue reading Year of the Rooster – Time to revamp Dickson Chinatown
2017 in Canberra began with announcements that so many new buildings are about to change the city’s landscape.
Continue reading Good architecture arrives in Canberra–we wish
click on banner for the Guardian article by George Monbiot Continue reading Climate Change, Trump and language
Here in Dickson there has been a very long series of road works.
At the meeting in August 2016 on the government’s proposals to redevelop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin, the main line taken by the government was that their proposals were based on the Griffin Legacy.
I believe in good government. I believe that many of our public sector employees do a great job. Occasionally, I even witness a politician who has values and fights for them (rarely).
They have tried before and have failed–but this time they have got their way.
The Canberra City Bowling Club site in Braddon has now been the subject of articles across several blogs.
Picking up on an online article by Dr Martin Hirst where he lays out some of the problems with journalisms – I offer the following additional thoughts.
Here’s a highly recommended album for those who want to hear good Americana with a touch of rock. This is a best of Paul Thorn-2016 album – two discs. Rating 4/5
Expressions of Interest are due by 5pm on 3 February 2017
Local governments rarely get the opportunity to completely makeover and enhance the main entry to the city – and the city centre itself.
Travel around Canberra and/or many cities anywhere and there is now evidence that we all love to light up our days and nights to celebrate Christmas.
This is the question (what is going on?) residents around Braddon had hoped to be answered when they attended a developer initiated information session on Thursday evening 8th December.
Continue reading More on the Braddon bowling club development
I have been buying apple computers since about 1991. Most of time I have been very impressed.
Click on the image to see the point being made – it’s a good one!
Feel like some laid back almost soporific songs as if you had wandered into a quite bar or club. And some music that does not quite follow current americana, rock, blues or jazz trends.
Here’s an album of all of that and a little more. Admittedly I am a fan of Howe Gelb and Giant Sands music – but this is not his usual fare. Yes it still has that Arizona feel but it is very laid back – and enjoyable.
We have reached the point that flying anywhere is no longer an human experience we should consider unless you are able to book business class seats.
Louise Grayson, Queensland University of Technology (this essay was originally published in The Conversation)
Here’s a worrying view on Trump and the efforts to deal with climate change.
One of the pleasures of life is a great cup of coffee and a real baguette.
Julianne Schultz, Griffith University (This has been reprinted from The Conversation)
Grace Mortlock, University of Technology Sydney and David Neustein, University of Technology Sydney; republish from The Conversation
There’s so much wrong with the democracy experiment at the moment. But is good that a few journalists are seeing the issues that must be dealt with.
They have tried before and I am sure they will keep trying till they get their way.
There’s one thing about the way the ACT Government goes about planning for Canberra–it will always use any tricky method to justify how it assists the developers.
The visual arts in Canberra is a very active scene. It has been thus for several decades.
One very nice recording just out by Suzanne Vega.
A curious thing happened last weekend in the Dickson neighbourhood when a house went up for auction. This was a very ordinary house.
An article about how this country has been there on the climate before Trump with both Abbott and now Turnbull. Click here.
Usually at this time of the year, I am looking forward to the coming visual arts exhibitions at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA).
Continue reading Versailles at the NGA–a summer of glitz, cake and unsettled staff
Clive Hamilton, Charles Sturt University (republished from The Conversation)
( a note from Paul Costigan – Before you read the Clive Hamilton article below from The Conversation– – have a look at the photograph above. It is scary!)
The Appeal against the recently approved development application (DA) for the Dickson supermarket complex goes to its next phase very soon (see dates below).
For many years tourists regarded Singapore as a stop over to somewhere else. Most spent a night or three but rarely much more.
We were driving along Limestone Ave when the Ainslie church sign came into view. It is regularly changed and sometimes takes a minute or two to comprehend.
I wrote briefly about this earlier – and as I said before – it’s a book for anyone puzzled by the current loser who is Prime Minister.
click here for more on the book and here’s an article by the author about his dilemma–click here.”
It took about three hours of argument on Friday 28th October for a decision by the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) on whether certain government planning documents should be released to those making objections to the Government’s agreement to the revised Development Application (DA) for the Dickson supermarket.
Continue reading Lawyers, files and money–and those responsible for this mess
Here’s a fun story about two musicians and how they made this album. They hopped on the train and then jumped off at stops along the way to record a song – while making sure they were back on board as the train left. And yes – the music is good stuff. Definitely worth a listen if you are a follower of Billy Bragg and Joe Henry. Click here for more on the album.
All this and more is happening with the blessing of the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. The country is being Turnbulled again – or is that ‘still’. There are two good articles that address the issue of this officially sanctioned bullying. This is an international disgrace. Here’s the first – click here; and the second – click here.
Sadly our political system has been corrupted. As much as we wish we lived in a democratic country–sadly it is not so.
This is a tale of an entrepreneur, a tree and a possible (lost?) good planning opportunity.
Here’s a book for anyone puzzled by the current loser who is Prime Minister. I am still reading it… click here or on the image. and here’s an article by the author about his dilemma–click here. Review to follow…..
Yes, there’s a new album out by our man, Leonard Cohen.
A collaboration between the writer George Monbiot and musician Ewan McLennan seeking to use music and word to open up the issue of loneliness and bring people together.
I have posted previously about driving to Sydney – and – about the drive to Melbourne and the coffee stops along the way. Here’s a few more things to consider.
Just when things were getting stupid in most sectors of Australian politics, up pops another idiot. These people vote!
America is exceptional! Because god says so. America has the right to deal with matters anywhere in the world as it wishes – because America is exceptional.
She nailed it. How do we vote for Michelle Obama?
Neil Young news – coming to the 2017 Byron Bay Bluesfest – online notice click here.
The revelation by the Canberra Times of a land swap between the Land Development Agency and the CFMEU-linked Dickson Tradies Club opens the way for more dodgy deals that will harm the community.
Canberra Community Voters Candidate Mike Hettinger noted, “The land swap itself isn’t necessarily the problem. It’s what it enables the LDA and the Tradies to do in the future that should really concern us.”
How far the USA has travelled – down.
With the debate in Canberra about housing affordability, the ACT Liberals have been using a particular line in their election statements to criticise the current government’s Land Development Agency (LDA) and its handling of land prices.