Comments have been published about how Deakin residents have raised doubts about the development application for a 102-bed aged care facility on the former gallery site near the shopping centre.
Government and religion
In Australia we have a small band of conservatives who work tirelessly to have their brands of religion have a greater influence on government and the country’s laws.
Luckily till now they are more of less not so successful – well most of the time.
In their last round of attempts to achieve more religious freedoms (whatever that meant) – what would have been more applicable would have been to remove religion and the influence of such religious fundamentalists completely from the workings of government.
Meanwhile in a land not far away – things are going from bad to worse.
Click here for the story in the Guardian.
Christmas Puddings and Mince Pies
I am not sure when my desire for mince pies and Christmas cakes and puddings started.
Neil Young
Neil Young’s entire catalog is available to stream for free on his newly launched archival website. Wow!!! – Thanks Neil
Dear Minister for Town Cramming
Why are we so unfortunate here in Canberra to have a string of planning and urban development ministers who feel that it is their duty to say something regularly to upset those who enjoy a fantastic ambience within inner Canberra?
Gardeners at war with possums
This story starts with standing outside the Museum of Sydney taking in an outdoor display of a cottage garden – complete with vegetables and herbs.
The ACT Government allows planners to plan
Surprising things can happen when you are involved in advocacy with the ACT Government on urban environment issues.
How women dress
Pedestrians be aware – be very aware!
Life for pedestrians in Dickson is not as safe as it should be. Here’s a few events to illustrate my point.
Marea Fatseas and Community Councils
The 2016 ACT election was just over 12 months ago (how time flies) and the hot election topics back then included planning, development, community engagement and a host of issues around the ACT Government’s dealings with residents.
Floriade – time for change

It has been many years since I have wandered amongst the tulips of Floriade.
Dickson auctions
Just months ago a Luton’s auctioneer stated that the property going under the hammer was the only house for sale in Dickson.
Danger to dogs from the ACT Government
Some issues just do not go away. Dogs that are dangerous or potentially dangerous is such a topic.
Tom Petty
Robert Plant
Thanks for Flu
Here’s a message from me – and the many others who suffered through the flu recently:
This goes out to those thoughtful people who insisted on going out into public areas when they had the flu.
Midnight Oil
Selling off the Parliamentary Triangle
for Wednesday 27th
There’s nothing new about governments across Australia selling of assets, infrastructure, land, buildings or anything that they can put on the market to make instant cash.
Urban Destruction in Canberra
Federal COALition
we are being Turnbulled – over and over again.
Same old spin in new clothes
There is no doubt that the spin doctors within the ACT Government worked hard to get journalists to take a positive spin on the establishment of the City Renewal Authority and the appointment of their CEO, Malcolm Snow
architecture and constitution ave
Back in 2013 plans were announced for the next stage of Canberra’s Constitution Avenue.
Dickson house sales
The neighbourhood had their answer. The signs went up – and yet another original style (AV Jennings) house was about to be put on the market.
A WORD or TWO on Facebook
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
politicians lie
Canberra Regional Farmers Market
There are many reasons why people trek out to the Canberra Regional Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
Michael Leunig
contracts for buying an apartment
When I was first alerted to the issues below – sadly my response was: Why am I not surprised?
George Monbiot
Cultural Landscape
The Cultural Landscape Foundation wants to connect people to the places of culture around them. click here
Randy Newman
A review of Dark Matter – click here.
Bill shorten on equality
Bill Shorten unleashes on Turnbull
Welcome Bill Shorten, the next Prime Minister of Australia
Cascadia subduction zone
Maybe not going to Portland for a holiday – with this disaster waiting to happen.
despots galore
alternative facts
no way to treat a coffee
draft 9 August
There’s been an increase in conversations about avoiding the use of plasticized mugs for take away coffee.
David Marr on equality
iGen and depression
culture, arts and city planning
Randy Newman
Vanishing Australian backyards
leave us vulnerable to the stresses of city life
Being Turnbulled
Australia has been Turnbulled yet again – click here
being Trumped & being Turnbulled
the Dutch Reach
a Telstra NBN story
Another mess made by Malcolm Turnbull
“Call us dull, call us sellouts, call us gentrifiers – just don’t call us copycats”
Our lust for originality is wrecking the city, delivering a rash of formally new but ultimately anti-urban hideous skyline baubles reducing city-making to a spectacle of super-size billboard branding gestures while inhibiting the multiplication of good ideas. Click here
post-truth planning
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly is outraged
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly sets the scene for how planning might navigate the post-truth political landscape – click here.
Will your house burn?
As I watched the horrifying footage of the London Grenfell Tower fire, I remarked that this is what could have happened in Docklands, Melbourne, in 2014.
Populism now divides, yet once it united the working class
The words populism and populist have no simple, coherent meaning.
Good article by Miguel Córdova Ramírez on the teaching of architecture.
Architecture and all that spin
If there is one occupation that I could not imagine doing, it is being an ACT Government planner who spends most of the day looking through development applications (DA) for commercial developments.
Women in music
A list of women in music – turning the tables; click here
Venice under stress
Parliamentary Triangle, Canberra
A tour of the good and not-so-good
Have you taken a stroll around the Parliamentary Triangle recently?
ANCA meeting Place exhibition
Walking in on an artist’s install of their exhibition can be an interesting way to learn more about an artist and their work.
Filipino restaurant
Lolo and Lola Filipino restaurant opens in Watson (Canberra)
Justin Townes Earle
Album Review: Justin Townes Earle – Kids in the Street
This is an album I am playing a lot. My rating would be 5/5.
Urban Bites
GANG GANG arrives in Downer
Always good to celebrate when a suburban centre rises again.
K D Lang Ingenue
special 25th anniversary edition
here’s a re-issue of some really beautiful – magnificent music.
All Liberal – all men
Neil Young
J J Cale
J J Cale & Eric Clapton: Call me the breeze
post truth & politics & energy
A good article summing up the state of politics, where truth is an option to be discarded.
A WORD or TWO on Facebook
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
Elizabeth Lee and Dickson Parklands
You will often hear commentators state that politicians are unpopular. I don’t think it as simple as that.
New Poster: Fakewit
The Problem Isn’t Architecture, It’s Urban Design
Interesting read – but I think they let the architects off too easily. Click here.
What we can learn about fighting inequality from Australia’s convict past
Analysis shows that while land values per acre rose at 2.2% per annum, land rents fell by 0.3% per annum in the 1800s. Powerhouse Museum/Flickr, CC BY-SA
Being Trumped
They marched to demand Congress DO THEIR JOB and remove the President from The White House. click here
Malcolm gets a pay rise
George Monbiot
Places for Children
Wonders of apartment heaven in Zetland
For people who live in the older tree filled suburbs of Canberra, being not only the inner north but also out to west Belconnen and the older parts of Woden, Weston and inner Tuggeranong – I have a holiday experience for you.
moratorium on Tony Abbott
Today Tony Abbott called for a moratorium on wind farms.
Share this if you think it’s time for a moratorium on Tony Abbott.
John Mayall
Fake Trump
NO is NOT enough
New book by Naomi Klein
this is my second post on this book:
here’s a new review of the book on The Guardian – click here
Continue reading NO is NOT enough
K D Lang
Randy Newman
Dark Matter – August 4th 2017
Dark Matter, Randy Newman’s first album of new material in nine years, is due August 4 on Nonesuch; vinyl on August 18.
Natalie Merchant
Uber and Defeating Sexism
The story of one woman who demanded to be heard
The Uber CEO is gone – why?
click here for the story in The Guardian and read about Susan Fowler, the person who did not do as advised – to ignore the sexist behaviour around her.
Ry Cooder
Everyone is invited to the next Flix’n Dickson “Christmas in July” Party
Pauline Hanson on excluding the artistics
Setting the record straight!
Yet again the media has misunderstood what Pauline Hanson said!
Changing architecture of Dickson
Talking to locals in the last weeks there were stories of that knock on the door and the offer to buy the house. The reactions were a little different and also similar.
Chuck Berry
His last album: Chuck
You would have heard many songs over the decades – but this is something new.
Penguin Cafe
Rebecca Solnit on Trump
It’s Time (again)
It is definitely time for all forms of peaceful and concerted actions to adjust our democratic structures to deal with the damage being done by forces that have resulted in Trump and his cronies being where they are.
Noam Chomsky
Neoliberalism Is Destroying Our Democracy
the democracy experiment continues – but will it get beyond the influence of neoliberalism
inflammable clading
Nothing wrong here!
oh how we wish we could believe the Minister and the building industry spokespersons – of course here in Canberra we have the laws in place! But – we all know better than that.
Rijksmuseum 19th Century photography
the Rijksmuseum is presenting a major retrospective of 19th-century photography – click here
developers rule the day – again
Sad story from Manchester. Lesson? – watch out for the spin when developments are announced. click here
Anna Gray AM
Queen’s Birthday honour to former NGA curator
As listed: Dr Anne Mary Gray AM
Man of the onions
says it all.. the idiot of Australian politics
NO is NOT enough
New book by Naomi Klein
“This is one attempt to uncover how we got to this surreal political moment. It is also an attempt to predict how, under cover of shocks and crises, it could get a lot worse.
And it’s a plan for how, if we keep our heads, we might just be able to flip the script and arrive at a radically better future.” — From the Introduction
Looking for arts policy
will we ever have an arts minister?
While Australia is a great country – it has been a long time since we have experienced a government that was actually committed to its culture.
Steve Earle
New Album: So You Wannabe An Outlaw
A new Steve Earle album is due out soon – this time, with a few friends, moving back to his roots – being country music.
The tricks governments play
a story of Architecture, social housing and parklands
Local politicians, like our federal friends, love to take a key social issue and link it to another in order to wedge the residents.