Category Archives: GOVERNANCE
Dogs, ducks and dubious decisions
The Dickson Wetlands have been a success both as a water-engineering project (providing water for the nearby sports grounds) and as attractive open space parkland.
whingers and more whingers
Several decades on my first visit to London the bus we were on had reason to be delayed. Most people understood what was happening and why the delay had happened. But not so one couple. They became very agitated and complained very loudly that this was not good enough. Apparently because of the delay the sky was about to fall and all manner of disasters were to strike us all!
Trickle-Down Theory
Credlin & Co
Waiting for this one – a book about one of the weirdest periods of Australian politics. From the publishers:
Credlin & Co. How the Abbott Government Destroyed Itself by Aaron Patrick. Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, ran a brilliant opposition campaign. But their approach led to disaster in government.
Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
From The Conversation, Michelle Smith, Deakin University
Over the weekend, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton inadvertently sent a text message calling journalist Samantha Maiden a “mad f—ing witch” to Maiden herself, rather than his intended recipient, fellow MP Jamie Briggs.
Continue reading Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
a week of sexism in Australia
gropers, leakers, fibbers, fools, frauds, dickheads and dopes
Blue Poles at the museum
There is talk in the art world about the National Gallery of Australia’s (NGA) changes to their permanent collection galleries and how this has included the movement of the famous Jackson Pollock painting, Blue Poles, from its long historic position downstairs to the upstairs galleries.
Clouds and time to think
Urban development leadership
When Jon Stanhope commented on his disappointment – or was it frustration – with the lack of the ACT Government’s achievement in delivering on social housing, it struck a note with anyone who likewise considers that the LDA/directorate is focused on land sales at the expense of urban development and issues such as social housing.
Climate Change
Three stories that provide a reality check on the current approaches to climate.
Quarterly Essay: Political Amnesia
Reviews: Quarterly Essay 60 — Political Amnesia
How we forgot how to govern, Laura Tingle, November 2015
This is a recommended read for those with any sort of interest in how Australia has been and continues to be manged by the political ruling classes for the last couple of decades. I cannot say that anything Laura Tingle wrote about was shocking news, given my own experiences of dealing with governments and their bureaucracies, but her insights and observations are definitely worth the read.
Northbourne heritage
The decision by the ACT Heritage Council to heritage list 17 of the Northbourne housing precinct does confuse the developments being proposed for the gateway to Canberra.
Big Coal and India
Mark Seymour
Canberra Tales: Two huts of protest
If you happen to be driving past the South African Embassy in Canberra, you may notice a lonely and disused sentry box on the corner near the entrance to the embassy and its residence.
ACT Planning Minister has intent
The ACT has a Planning Minister and he has put out a document titled — Statement of Planning Intent.
Spray For Paris
Climate change
A couple of key articles online worth reading…
SIEV X Memorial
There are so many stories to be told around the installation of the memorial to the 353 people who drowned while attempting the journey to Christmas Island on 19th October 2001.
Kingston Arts Precinct – to be or not to be?
When the ACT Government announced in October that they were putting out to tender the development of an arts precinct within the Kingston Foreshore, it did send a quiet ripple through those involved in the arts.
Continue reading Kingston Arts Precinct – to be or not to be?
Peace for Paris
Political empathy
George Monbiot on moral blankness
Even though I have been involved in political advocacy for far too many years, I am still constantly amazed by the total lack of empathy shown by many decision makers – being both bureaucrats and politicians. These people do not take the time to look at the evidence of what happens as a result of their decisions.
Taxing Times – The Monthly
Some good thoughts on the current tax debate – click here.
Kitchen Cabinet
The interviews on the ABC program Kitchen Cabinet are in some cases simply soft propaganda for particular politicians.
Malcolm Turnbull
I remain totally unconvinced about the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull. I agree that the country is far far better off now that Abbott is no longer out there trying to terrify everyone.
I often wondered whether Abbott was not quite sane – and more recent events have done nothing to dispel this thought.
Stop the Dames
Oh my god! I have been denied my chance of ever being made a knight in Australia!
Benedict Cumberbatch & refugees
World Photobook Day
No New Coal Mines
Marie Coleman and Turnbull’s FTB
I suspect that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is still locked into appeasing those on the far right that this country needs to reduce its spending on the social welfare programs. There is little evidence that the Turnbull government is looking to have the top wealthy few and big business pay their share of taxes and thus increase the revenue.
A voice from behind a pillar
The photo above has a weird architectural feature that reminded me of an event that was even stranger.
Canberra Parklands declared terra nullius
The ACT Government and its business advisors have adopted a destructive language to justify their negative approach to parklands and open spaces in Canberra.
Women photographers
The fight to gain equity in the recognition of women in the art world just keeps on having to be repeated. The historical biases just do not go away.
But then along comes something that is really strange.
Australian politician and the arts
Remembering Abbott
It was not that long ago that this country had someone else as its prime minister. Luckily his presence in our political life has already commenced to fade away as if it was just a bad dream.
There certainly were some moments of true stupidity as well as some very evil deeds carried out. It may take quite a while for the country to recover.
One giant step for Downer
Many years ago the suburb of Downer had a thriving shopping centre and a bustling school next door.
Glebe Park threatened by The ACT Chief Minister
More than thirty years ago there was a very vocal community campaign to halt the take over of Glebe Park.
Continue reading Glebe Park threatened by The ACT Chief Minister
Barangaroo & architectural sour grapes
The whole of the Barangaroo story is messy. Sydney based architectural writers are not very happy. Yes their chosen few did not get the contract. Yes even the next team did not survive.
Climate Change
Australia has a new Prime Minister. (Yah, that other one is no longer on my TV!!)
Have we changed anything when we come to getting real about climate change? So far the signs are not good but it has only been a week or two since the change in government leadership.
VW and Big Oil
The scandal around the use of diesel in vehicles has been coming for years. There have been numerous articles recently about the research on what the dangers there are to the environment and to our health from having diesel vehicles on the roads.
George Monbiot, VW and diesel
I have been wondering just how long the world was going to accept diesel engines in cars given they are polluting nightmares. Yet they continued to be rolled out. I hope this latest scandal involving VW fixing their diesel cars so that they produced false results will now focus attention on to how bad diesel engines are for the environment. Yet again, George Monbiot has written a very timely piece on the topic – it is definitely worth the read. click here.
No more Abbott
There’s been a lot of stuff written about the end of the Abbott debacle.
Here is a very good summation. Please click here.
Women on TV
The New York Times article on women in TV is a sad tale of how far things have advanced with women’s employment. In this case, the author states that things did improve but that it was a spike rather than a trend. Click here for the article.
Women Photographers
There needs to be more articles such as this one from The Guardian.
Seeking a Planning Minister for Canberra
Canberra residents have the perception, or at least the aspiration, that the elected ACT politician appointed to be the planning minister will oversee the future planning and development of the city on behalf of the residents.
Madness in Queanbeyan
It was while visiting regional towns in Victoria that I was reminded of quite silly events that are happening back home, or at least close to home.
Climate Change
It is very embarrassing to have your own federal government so wrong on crucial matters such as climate change and the treatment of refugees.
Another Northbourne obscure message
The ACT Government’s Land Development Agency (LDA) circulated a media release late last week that I think was meant to be good news and was supposed to inform us that something is about to happen along Northbourne Ave.
Australia’s Brutal Treatment of Migrants
Dealing with planning over-reach
There were two planning announcements in recent days that would have raised people’s eyebrows just a little.
Government propaganda may kill light rail
I support the introduction of light rail networks across Canberra. We should not be having this debate in 2015. The first tracks should have been laid down in the late 1950s or at least by the mid 1960s.
Anne Summers Report
Wanted: Quality replacements for Currong Apartments
There’s no doubt that the ACT Government has put an emphasis on communications and marketing when it comes to particular urban developments. This is very evident in the number of media statements in circulation.
Continue reading Wanted: Quality replacements for Currong Apartments
Canberra’s systemic planning problems
There are serious systemic problems within the ACT’s planning and development agencies.
Dickson Parklands
As reported earlier, the Dickson Parklands (Section 72 Dickson) has been identified as critical to ensuring that Canberra’s growing inner north population can access arts, recreation, cultural and other community facilities.
Smith Street Collingwood
The changing face of a much-loved street
Walking down Smith Street in Collingwood (Melbourne) there’s a massive new development underway that is about to bring change to the culture of the street. Continue reading Smith Street Collingwood
stop the boats
Here’s a couple of perspectives on the so-called ‘stop the boats’.
There’s been quiet a bit of writing online about Bansky’s latest project – Dismaland.
I am not sure what to make of it as theme parks would be something I would not even contemplate visiting. But yet, when irony is the theme, would I go. Still not sure. Meanwhile here’s a bunch of reviews and comments:
First the Guardian has a couple – one here and then another here.
The New Yorker writer writes from her own experiences of her holidays on the coast. click here.
The UK Telegraph liked it – click here.
and after reading all this – and looking at the videos and pictures – I am still not convinced.
Paul Costigan
Teams have opponents, communities have friends
This sign has been mentioned by me previously – click here.
Continue reading Teams have opponents, communities have friends
Climate Change
The US President has shown leadership on climate change. – click here.
bureaucrats lack empathy
It was during a recent North Canberra Community Council meeting that I realised I was hearing something very rare. The presenter was talking about fairly matter-of-fact issues to do with changes to local traffic lights and footpaths and it sounded as though she identified with the issues being dealt with.
Dickson Parklands
Fact checking statements about Dickson Parklands.
There have been inaccurate media statements and comments online by the bureaucracy and others about the actions of residents to save the Dickson Parklands.
Dickson Parklands and Bureaucratic Failures
Recently the Dickson Residents Group were sent copies of reports that were published following a series of consultations about the redevelopment of a range of sites in South Canberra.
Continue reading Dickson Parklands and Bureaucratic Failures
Barr kicks Dickson residents (again)
After seven months of silence since the last workshop to discuss the future options for the Dickson Parklands (Section 72 Dickson), the Dickson Residents Group requested a meeting to clarify a range of issues.
Dickson Parklands – Dickson Residents Group
Dickson Residents Group Media Release
Continue reading Dickson Parklands – Dickson Residents Group
Dickson Parklands – Land Grab
The North Canberra Community Council (NCCC) has expressed both surprise and disappointment at yesterday’s shock announcement by the ACT Government proposing residential development in Dickson between the Dickson Pool and Dickson Playing Fields. It is known formally as Dickson Section 72 and informally as Dickson Parklands. click here for the full media release from the community council.
Queensland and Big Coal
Big Coal
Big Coal wins again in Queensland
The Australian Government is ripping money out of the development of ‘old technologies’ such as solar and wind farms. And we all know why – because Big Coal demands it of Abbott. Meanwhile Big Coal goes on taking enormous subsidies from taxpayers. Here’s the latest in Queensland. Click here. Note the figures comparing jobs in arts and recreation compared to Big Coal.
Abbott the destroyer
Climate Change
A video about how the Dutch people have legal means forced their government to deal with climate change – click here. Is it possible in Australia?
Climate Change
We live in strange times. The Australian Government has led the country into being backward looking and to be so far behind so many countries that are moving to address climate change. Into this important international debates has stepped the Pope. The Australian Prime Minister continues to portray himself as a man of the Catholic Faith. Yet he has chosen to ignore the Pope. Here are some thoughts on the Pope’s timely actions – click here.
Mhairi Black
A political speech with a difference! She nailed the issue right on the head!
Here in Australia there is no-one like this in our Parliament. It is time for a change – where are the Australian Mhairi Blacks?
Roadside Political Statements
It often occurs while driving south along Limestone Ave, that you encounter a new message from a local church. Often they make powerful political statements on current issues.
George Monbiot on Greece
There’s no doubt that while Greece is doing it tough and much of the damage was brought on by all forms of dubious practices within Greece and Europe’s banks, the attitude of Germany and the European Union will be remembered for all its nastiness. Yet again – George has hit the nail on the head. click here
George Monbiot on Greece
We have endured several days of stuff written by the junk journalist writing on the Greece decision to reject the demands of the Intentional Monetary Fund. The Greeks voted no and the journalists have reproduced the media releases of those with ties to the Big Banks. It has taken a few days but at last some real journalism is appearing on this important topic.
President Obama’s Eulogy
The eulogy by the US President demonstrates how leadership can inspire.
Women in the Art World
recommended reading…
click on the image – for many articles about the art world and its not so fair treatment of women. If one sector of this world should have sorted this by now – surely it should have been the arts. But alas, it just ain’t so. Here’s the link again.
Supermarket Dilemmas
A few years ago the ACT Government had a bright idea to confront the problem of the power of the supermarket giants. It introduced a policy to encourage more competition to the usual two or three. It didn’t deliver.
Loud! at AGNSW
This is a small exhibition of nine works has been produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of International Women’s Year (1975).
Katy Gallagher
Here in Canberra we are very lucky to have a good person as one of our national senators. She was a great Chief Minister of the ACT and now given her personal commitments to issues, let’s hope the great beast of the Labor Party does not do her in. Click here for her maiden speech to the senate. Go Girl!!!
Climate Change
Big Coal
climate change
George Monbiot has made a good call on the pope’s letter to the world on climate change – click here.
We all now sit back and watch the catholic prime minister of Australia, who is an ardent climate denier and environmental wrecker, deal with this message from his spiritual leader.
Canberra Planning
There is one thing that planning officers excel at: creating jobs for themselves. They do this by constantly reinventing planning and development processes that are so complicated that it takes a planning officer to be able to make sense of them.
wind power
The dumbness of our political leaders just gets worse.
The lack of equity in film
Civic an urban planning problem
Several decades ago, the centre of Canberra provided a very different shopping experience. Civic was a series of pedestrian plazas with a small complex named The Monaro Mall. In 1989 this mall was enlarged to become the first Canberra Centre.
Marriage Equality
Dickson supermarket development refused
The ACT Planning and Land Authority today announced that the controversial Dickson Coles-DOMA development has been officially refused.
Rorting Women
All the boys in the Australian Government continue to prove to the world their attitude to women. Through the recent budget processes, we had the astonishing revelation that so many women at home with children who had been using the paid leave system available to them have now been identified by this government, those wonderful band of big boys, as being rorters and fraudsters.
Arts Minister
It doesn’t get any worse than this!
I have written about Arts Ministers previously – click here. This country desperately needs a new model of national Culture Minster. Instead we have been landed with one of the most unsuitable politician to be the Arts Minister.
Dickson Shops
Voter action needed following Dickson shops debacle
There have been recent reports that the controversial Dickson supermarket proposal continues to be debated behind closed doors within the government planning bureaucracy.
Equity and Corporate Boards
One would think that by now people would make sure there is equity with the appointment of people to corporate boards, panels, committees etc.
Negative Gearing
One of the faults with Australian democracy remains that many decisions by the elected politicians remain flawed because of the obvious but ignored conflicts of interests.
Climate Change
North Canberra Greenway
A little while ago, I wrote a few pieces about Braddon. In amongst the many different aspects of the suburb, I brought up the concept of significant changes to Haig Park.
Lucky Country
It is good to be reminded that the term The Lucky Country as used by Donald Horne was not complimentary of our leadership. Sadly the term and its meaning as used back then still applies today.
Dickson Shops
An update on development in Canberra
Looking to the next elections for resident friendly solutions
The Dickson residents continue to be disappointed with the ACT Government for allowing so many inappropriate development proposals to be taken seriously. The latest let-down is that local politicians look as if they are allowing a supermarket and residential proposal to progress even though the evidence indicates how wrong it is for this inner suburb.