VW and Big Oil

Theshakey-P1050841 scandal around the use of diesel in vehicles has been coming for years. There have been numerous articles recently about the research on what the dangers there are to the environment and to our health from having diesel vehicles on the roads.

Yet as if there was a parallel universe, people have been subjected to high level and obviously very convincing marketing about how wonderful diesel vehicles are today – good for the environment and wonderfully economical.

While the ill effects of diesel fumes have not been reported in Australia, there are numerous reports from intense urban areas such as London and Paris. In Paris there were moves already underway that could see the diesels banned from Paris streets.

The real surprise has been how this all came tumbling down so fast. It took the exposure of a big fat lie by VW. The environmental impacts are scandalous – click here.

And just in – one government has banned the sale of VW diesels – this will have a huge impact!

Will this scandal move the world to at last get real and do something about the power and influence of Big Oil – and will the world now push forward to ditch oil and to finally invent the alternative energy source for our vehicles. Fingers crossed!

Here’s an article along those linesĀ  – click here.


Paul Costigan

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