Manuka oval development proposal


There’s one thing you can say about the present Chief Minister and his government, is that when it comes to dealing with residents over matters to do with urban development, they really know how to get people off-side right from the start with any and every proposal.

Another thing about this Chief Minister is that he has sought to do what so many politicians with BIG egos have done before him, that is to build something BIG.

And so we have before us a BIG proposal that came from the BIG end of town to build a BIG stadium complex in the cherished suburb of Manuka. This came with all the usual BIG developer  jargon and hype.

Anyone with any intelligence would have read the announcements and would have spotted the bottom line to the deal being proposed – being that loads of money would be made by the developers and that the local taxpayers were to hit for the upfront gift of land.

This proposal is very typical of so much of the present practices within the ACT Government – things are crook with this city and its government when it comes to development!

A local journalist, Jack Waterford,  has written a very timely and accurate article about what this is all about.

Click here for the article.

And here’s the local community’s first reactions – click here.


Paul Costigan

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