Category Archives: equity
Dealing with right wing nut jobs
It was indeed a sad story to see serious journalists and scientists trying to debate with the latest of the Australia’s right wing nut jobs on TV.
It should be known well by now that there is no use in using the usual polite and logical approaches with such people. It just feeds into their well practised weird ways of arguing or debating.
Cheap Milk
One would like to think that it would be reasonably easy to work out what is happening with milk pricing in Australia.
Being Turnbulled: equity
Ageism and Women
From The Guardian UK – a piece about ageism – and how it effects women – and men. click here
Ageism and ACT politicians
Following weeks (or was that months) of questions over land dealings and major developments, and now audits being announced into departmental processes, the Chief Minister has gone on the front foot and announced an idea to change his government’s methods of consulting on ‘Urban Redevelopment’.
Being Turnbulled – welfare
Here’s three articles that demonstrate just how bad the present federal government is when it comes to having a safety net – looking after the country’s disadvantaged peoples.
Monitoring the far right nut jobs
Keeping a perspective on the movements of the far right in Australia.
Trump to lose – nope
click here for the story – by Michael Moore on Trump’s strategy
Women in Politics
Being Turnbulled – The Arts
Equity in the arts
great women on Britain’s streets
George Monbiot
The Judgement of History
Here’s George Monbiot’s piece on the crimes committed by the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and the UK Chilcot Report. click here
George Monbiot
George has offered a positive take on the Brexit vote. He has published his thoughts on seeing the opportunities despite the nastiness of those who championed the exit vote. Click here.
Turnbull a FIZZA on women
The evidence continues of just how bad this man has been as Prime Minister. Click here or on the image for this sad tale. and
Turnbull – Fizza- Medicare
JOHN MENADUE. Privatisation and the hollowing out of Medicare
Here’s an article that deals with the lies being told by the present Prime minister on Medicare. Click here.
Turnbull – FIZZA – housing
There’s a must read article on the lies and myths put around by the current prime Minister on the housing issue – sadly for the country and young people he is of course too close to the property lobby to fix this problem. click here.
Turnbull – FIZZA
George Monbiot
George Monbiot and the UK Brexit from the EU
I cannot say that I understand what the UK lobby for the exit from the EU is all about. Nor can I say which option is the better. Sadly George Monbiot has clarified this with his usual precise summation of a dreadful situation.
Michael Moore
Australia’s shame and pointless cruelty
More from Michael Moore on the topic that should be the top of the list of issues for the coming elections – click here.
Politicians fly too close to the sun
There is a now a long list of candidates announced for the 2016 ACT Government election.
Continue reading Politicians fly too close to the sun
Your place in community consultations
Here’s another sad tale about the ACT Government’s patronising attitude towards residents.
Being Turnbulled
In so many ways Australia was being Turnbulled by Malcolm Turnbull.
Now he and his treasurer have struck out against women – when will this stop? Click here for the story about the budget.
Being Turnbulled
Australia is being Turnbulled over and over again. When will the country get rid of this pretend government – that is really a committee of the IPA?
The whole truckies pay debate has been yet another example of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) running the agenda.
George Monbiot
Here’s a good read by George Monbiot – Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems. Think John Howard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. Click here.
Being Turnbulled
The government’s response to the Top Hat bankers’ rampage through the economy is yet another case of smoke and mirrors. This is in effect putting the Top Hats in charge of the regulator and at the same time pretending to fund ASIC. Turnbull and his crew are Top Hats looking after their Top Hat mates.
Being Turnbulled
Seeking transparency in ACT Government
There are many things about the current ACT Government that are causing concerns, to me and local residents I meet with often – and I think most of us voted for them.
Supermarket Monsters
Book Review
Supermarket Monsters:
The Price of Coles and Woolworths’ Dominance
This is yet another excellent quarterly publication by Redbacks Books – a subset of Black inc Books – publishers of The Monthly and the Saturday Paper.
Malcolm Turnbull cultural vandal
Feminism has failed and needs a radical rethink
Malcolm Turnbull cultural vandal
Mike Jones, University of Melbourne and Deb Verhoeven, Deakin University. This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
another male federal politician, another of Malcolm Turnbull’s chosen boys, demonstrates how being patronizing to women must be a qualification for being in the Turnbull government.
Continue reading Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
Australia’s shameful behaviour
Australia continues with inhumane treatment of people who were legal refugees.
More dogs, ducks and dubious decisons
A couple of follow ups to the previous post on Dogs, ducks and dubious decisions
Dutton spud
whingers and more whingers
Several decades on my first visit to London the bus we were on had reason to be delayed. Most people understood what was happening and why the delay had happened. But not so one couple. They became very agitated and complained very loudly that this was not good enough. Apparently because of the delay the sky was about to fall and all manner of disasters were to strike us all!
Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
From The Conversation, Michelle Smith, Deakin University
Over the weekend, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton inadvertently sent a text message calling journalist Samantha Maiden a “mad f—ing witch” to Maiden herself, rather than his intended recipient, fellow MP Jamie Briggs.
Continue reading Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
a week of sexism in Australia
gropers, leakers, fibbers, fools, frauds, dickheads and dopes
Mark Seymour
Taxing Times – The Monthly
Some good thoughts on the current tax debate – click here.
Kitchen Cabinet
The interviews on the ABC program Kitchen Cabinet are in some cases simply soft propaganda for particular politicians.
Benedict Cumberbatch & refugees
Marie Coleman and Turnbull’s FTB
I suspect that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is still locked into appeasing those on the far right that this country needs to reduce its spending on the social welfare programs. There is little evidence that the Turnbull government is looking to have the top wealthy few and big business pay their share of taxes and thus increase the revenue.
Australia’s Brutal Treatment of Migrants
Anne Summers Report
Teams have opponents, communities have friends
This sign has been mentioned by me previously – click here.
Continue reading Teams have opponents, communities have friends
Mhairi Black
A political speech with a difference! She nailed the issue right on the head!
Here in Australia there is no-one like this in our Parliament. It is time for a change – where are the Australian Mhairi Blacks?
Roadside Political Statements
It often occurs while driving south along Limestone Ave, that you encounter a new message from a local church. Often they make powerful political statements on current issues.
President Obama’s Eulogy
The eulogy by the US President demonstrates how leadership can inspire.
The lack of equity in film
Marriage Equality
Rorting Women
All the boys in the Australian Government continue to prove to the world their attitude to women. Through the recent budget processes, we had the astonishing revelation that so many women at home with children who had been using the paid leave system available to them have now been identified by this government, those wonderful band of big boys, as being rorters and fraudsters.
Equity and Corporate Boards
One would think that by now people would make sure there is equity with the appointment of people to corporate boards, panels, committees etc.
Jon Stanhope & ALP asylum policy
An ethical person speaks out
I met Jon Stanhope a couple of times when he was Chief Minister for the ACT. Canberra benefited from his leadership. He continues to be a person known for his strong ethical stance on important issues.
He also liked public art – but that program was killed off because of the Liberal Party trolls who used the media to hammer the program.
without fear or favour
This country is being so badly governed. Politicians in this government openly bully those who do not share their view. This is how Abbott’s Team Australia deals with anyone deemed not to be on side with the government’s views. Democracy itself is being trashed by senior politicians almost daily. Graeme Innes’ article says it all – please click on the image
Big Money
Gender Equity 2015
It’s A Man’s World – still
The Dishonesty of Stop The Boats
Reality Check on the lie of ‘Stop The Boats’
There’s an article from The Guardian that says it all. It is a very good reality check on the spin and lies coming out of our major political parties at the moment. Neither have been honest with the reality of the situation for refugees and both are still caught in dealing with slogans.
Team Australia Strikes at Democracy
The nastiness of Abbott’s and Morrison’s Team Australia
When the Australian Government’s spokesperson, Tony Abbott announced in August, that we all had to be part of Team Australia, we all knew what it meant. From his perspective, you were either with ‘us’, or you are against ‘us’. This government is about inequity and being plain nasty to anyone it deems not to be part of their agenda – Team Australia.
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Book Notice
Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty
There’s a good review of this book online that points to the book being a good read. This theme of the effect of the growing inequity on economics and the basis of capitalism is now commonly talked about. click here
Hockey meanness
The meanness of Joe Hockey
and his continued destruction of Australia’s way of life
If there was anyone left in Australia, who for one minute thought that the current Australian Federal Treasurer was anything but a mean and nasty politician, then all they had to do was observe his latest crimes. This man looks after his rich mates especially Big Coal, Banks and Big Miners; looks after this who pull his strings and keep him in power, Murdoch and their cohorts; and does all this by stripping back opportunities for health and well-being from those most disadvantaged.
Equity & Parks
Urbanity: Parks for everyone
There’s many a piece of research and publication about the links between access to parks and people’s health and wellbeing. Any urban area that includes ample public green spaces will always be sought after and the benefits are evident in the community attitudes towards their residential areas. Parks enhance the sense of community.
Most Australian urban areas usually have had parks provided as part of the urban infrastructure. However in too many cases these parks and open spaces end up not being maintained well and sadly many also become places of neglect.
urban ecology
urban ecology
re-posted article: What are the social justice implications of urban ecology, and how can we make sure that “green cities” are not synonymous with “gentrified” or “exclusive” cities?
Here is Australia there is a lot of talk amongst city planners and such that there is a need for green cities, sustainable cities and lots more simplistic terms. It is very hard indeed to find amongst the rhetoric any realistic commitment to urban ecology.
The need to base all urban developments against a measure based around preserving and enhancing the soil, the ecology and the green infrastructure remains an optimistic wish for those interested in the survival of the planet. Current approaches to urban design and planning are still very much ‘business as usual’ with market forces, meaning the quick dollar, as the drivers and measures applied.
Cities and Women
Re-Post from the Guardian
Making cities safe for women and girls
Women and the city
Re-Posted from The Global Urbanist
A woman’s right to enjoy the city
Dealing with the overlooked issue in Urban Design, Women and the City. As part of our series on eliminating violence against women and girls in our cities produced in collaboration with the Huairou Commission, Mumbai architect Pallavi Shrivastava offers a personal reflection on how the threat of violence forces women not only to change our movements but also prevents us from enjoying our cities, and thus from helping to make them the cities we want them to be. click here for the full article.