The neighbourhood had their answer. The signs went up – and yet another original style (AV Jennings) house was about to be put on the market.
Monthly Archives: August 2017
A WORD or TWO on Facebook
Check out links to news from our Facebook page.. click here
politicians lie
Canberra Regional Farmers Market
There are many reasons why people trek out to the Canberra Regional Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
Michael Leunig
contracts for buying an apartment
When I was first alerted to the issues below – sadly my response was: Why am I not surprised?
George Monbiot
Cultural Landscape
The Cultural Landscape Foundation wants to connect people to the places of culture around them. click here
Randy Newman
A review of Dark Matter – click here.
Bill shorten on equality
Bill Shorten unleashes on Turnbull
Welcome Bill Shorten, the next Prime Minister of Australia
Cascadia subduction zone
Maybe not going to Portland for a holiday – with this disaster waiting to happen.
despots galore
alternative facts
no way to treat a coffee
draft 9 August
There’s been an increase in conversations about avoiding the use of plasticized mugs for take away coffee.
David Marr on equality
iGen and depression
culture, arts and city planning
Randy Newman
Vanishing Australian backyards
leave us vulnerable to the stresses of city life
Being Turnbulled
Australia has been Turnbulled yet again – click here
being Trumped & being Turnbulled
the Dutch Reach
a Telstra NBN story
Another mess made by Malcolm Turnbull
“Call us dull, call us sellouts, call us gentrifiers – just don’t call us copycats”
Our lust for originality is wrecking the city, delivering a rash of formally new but ultimately anti-urban hideous skyline baubles reducing city-making to a spectacle of super-size billboard branding gestures while inhibiting the multiplication of good ideas. Click here
post-truth planning
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly is outraged
Dr Elizabeth Farrelly sets the scene for how planning might navigate the post-truth political landscape – click here.
Will your house burn?
As I watched the horrifying footage of the London Grenfell Tower fire, I remarked that this is what could have happened in Docklands, Melbourne, in 2014.
Populism now divides, yet once it united the working class
The words populism and populist have no simple, coherent meaning.