Monthly Archives: January 2017
Trump and 1984
Year of the Rooster – Time to revamp Dickson Chinatown
It’s Chinese New Year again (28th January). This time around it is the year of the rooster.
Continue reading Year of the Rooster – Time to revamp Dickson Chinatown
Trumpland gets even weirder
Good architecture arrives in Canberra–we wish
2017 in Canberra began with announcements that so many new buildings are about to change the city’s landscape.
Continue reading Good architecture arrives in Canberra–we wish
Trump and the media
Rebecca Solnit
Shepard Fairey
Climate Change, Trump and language
George Monbiot on Trump and the climate
click on banner for the Guardian article by George Monbiot Continue reading Climate Change, Trump and language
Urban Roadworks- and a quiet chuckle
Here in Dickson there has been a very long series of road works.
The Media
Cherry-picking the Griffin’s legacy
At the meeting in August 2016 on the government’s proposals to redevelop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin, the main line taken by the government was that their proposals were based on the Griffin Legacy.
Russia Bans Meryl Streep
A tree lands in the appeals tribunal
I believe in good government. I believe that many of our public sector employees do a great job. Occasionally, I even witness a politician who has values and fights for them (rarely).
Ashby Hanson
Architectural vandalism at Parliament House
They have tried before and have failed–but this time they have got their way.
Braddon Bowls – let’s try planning
The Canberra City Bowling Club site in Braddon has now been the subject of articles across several blogs.