Monthly Archives: February 2022

ACT Variation on greenery goes missing in action

Several conversations of late have centered on the question – what has happened to the much-touted Draft Variation 369?

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Tram spin to defeat the NCA

A compliant NCA to be fooled again

The ACT government’s proposal to “Raise London Circuit” for the tram was submitted for approval to the National Capital Authority (NCA) in October.

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A Tower too far by Geocon

NCA called on to be sensible!

In this city with the ever-increasing towers, as encouraged by the developer-friendly chief minister, the major issue is not just the towers themselves, but the lack of planning guiding the appropriateness and logic of their size and the location.

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Marion Mahony Griffin’s vision for Canberra

and how it is being lost

When Marion Mahony Griffin provided those glorious drawings for the submission to design Canberra, she included a distant view of the mountains.

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Local politicians fail residents on trees

Downer residents confronted with 25 metre pines

The trees along Bradfield Street, Downer, have been the subject of debates in Downer for at least a decade.

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ACT Government fails homeless

Politicians chose vanity over housing homeless

The majority of candidates going to ACT elections talk about how they will be progressive on issues that matter. But once elected, the reality is something else.

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