Monthly Archives: August 2015


There’s been quiet a bit of writing online about Bansky’s latest project – Dismaland.

I am not sure what to make of it as theme parks would be something I would not even contemplate visiting. But yet, when irony is the theme, would I go. Still not sure. Meanwhile here’s a bunch of reviews and comments:

First the Guardian has a couple – one here and then another here.

The New Yorker writer writes from her own experiences of her holidays on the coast. click here.

The UK Telegraph liked it – click here.

and after reading all this – and looking at the videos and pictures – I am still not convinced.


Paul Costigan


New Philosopher

Highly Recommended Reading.

newphilosopher9_cover-155x200The July 2015 issue of New Philosopher has the theme of Property. This magazine has loads of engaging short essays and heaps of great graphics — and photographs.

This issue on Property is very timely as the debate around housing, affordability and ownership continue to dominate how we are making decisions about our cities and towns.

Continue reading New Philosopher

bureaucrats lack empathy

Costigan-P1120577It was during a recent North Canberra Community Council meeting that I realised I was hearing something very rare. The presenter was talking about fairly matter-of-fact issues to do with changes to local traffic lights and footpaths and it sounded as though she identified with the issues being dealt with.

Continue reading bureaucrats lack empathy