Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister is overseeing the vandalism of this country’s national cultural institutions. And he smiles so patronising while this is happening!
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Manuka oval development proposal
There’s one thing you can say about the present Chief Minister and his government, is that when it comes to dealing with residents over matters to do with urban development, they really know how to get people off-side right from the start with any and every proposal.
Canberra Tales: Lake George
Let’s start with the reality of this claim. Lake George is not in the ACT.
Dickson planning ad hockery
Anyone who has been through the Dickson shops lately will have noticed an unsettling trend. The number of vacancies is increasing.
The fog around Heritage Strategy
The ACT Government has commenced a period of consultations for the development of a five-year heritage strategy (see links below this post).
Greening the city & health
Here’s a few links on current research and commentary on green spaces, our cities and health.
ACT Planning Minister seeks an idea
On a recent visit to Wollongong I observed the notices for and then read about the consultations for a major project: Wollongong – A City for People. Being a frequent visitor to this wonderful coastal city, I have some understanding of the urban issues facing that city’s local council.
Taking time in the landscape
I like to drive. I enjoy the drive to and from Sydney. It is not everyone’s favourite drive but I find there is always something happening and there are always changes due to the weather and/or the season.
National Gallery Singapore
Brand Canberra follies
Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
another male federal politician, another of Malcolm Turnbull’s chosen boys, demonstrates how being patronizing to women must be a qualification for being in the Turnbull government.
Continue reading Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
Urban Renewal in Canberra
There’s a talk at the Albert Hall here in Canberra on Tuesday 16th February. The title for this session definitely sounds as though a focus group of bureaucrats have signed off on it.
Natalie Merchant
Credlin & Co
Wollongong – urban opportunities?
There is some brilliant work being delivered within the public realm by local governments across Australia.
Australia’s shameful behaviour
Australia continues with inhumane treatment of people who were legal refugees.
Talking Plants
Interested in all things to do with the garden – and listening to people’s discussions around gardens? Talking Plants is a recommended program from Radio National on the ABC. Here’s a link to the program’s web page – click here.
Someone had the audacity to call green-walls – nothing but horticultural bling! Yes – totally agree.
Shimmer at Wollongong City Gallery
Brandy Clark
Video above for Brandy’s new single (2016) and for her 2013 album – click here.
Public Art Festival – Contour 556
Advance notice for a Canberra Public Art Festival for later in 2016.
Contour 556 is to be a three-week public art festival in Canberra 21 October – 13 November 2016 on the foreshores of Lake Burley Griffin (and other locations). Continue reading Public Art Festival – Contour 556