There’s an announcement for a new biennale of Australian contemporary art. Good news – click on the image for The Guardian story – but..
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Driving Canberra to Nowra
While some people may enjoy the buzz of living within densely population metropolitan cities, there are definite benefits to being in Canberra and being able to head out into the country in a few minutes, rather than struggling down the crowded toll ways.
Being Turnbulled
Australia is being Turnbulled over and over again. When will the country get rid of this pretend government – that is really a committee of the IPA?
The whole truckies pay debate has been yet another example of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) running the agenda.
Horace and Pete’s
Here’s a program that is absolutely wonderful – a fabulous online drama /piece of theatre / comedy /drama / social comment. Highly recommended.
Rediscovering Cazneaux
George Monbiot
Here’s a good read by George Monbiot – Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems. Think John Howard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. Click here.
Being Turnbulled
The government’s response to the Top Hat bankers’ rampage through the economy is yet another case of smoke and mirrors. This is in effect putting the Top Hats in charge of the regulator and at the same time pretending to fund ASIC. Turnbull and his crew are Top Hats looking after their Top Hat mates.
Canberra’s suburban coffee
Sitting down on Easter Sunday to catch up with a friend over a cup of coffee (or two) in Braddon, reminded me of why it is not my favourite place to go on a weekend – let alone during the week.
Being Turnbulled
Harold Cazneaux exhibition
Seeking transparency in ACT Government
There are many things about the current ACT Government that are causing concerns, to me and local residents I meet with often – and I think most of us voted for them.
Big Sugar
Mary Chapin Carpenter
Being Turnbulled
Here’s a wonderful example of how the media and the public are being fooled and used by Top Hat Turnbull in his government’s dubious efforts to destroy the union movement. As blogged by Vince O’Grady, here is a post titled: ” More Egregious words used by the liberals. Disgraceful falsification of the facts.” Click here
James Howard Kunstler
Bob Dylan
Melancholy Mood
Bob Dylan has released a song, Melancholy Mood from his forthcoming album, Fallen Angel. The song is also on a four track EP released for Record Store Day. This is his second album of Frank Sinatra inspired songs – the first being Shadows InThe Night.
Lucinda Williams & Elvis Costello
Proud to be a NIMBY
Almost every day I walk by a set of new apartments here in Dickson. These are now part of the history of the push by residents not to have rubbish developments plonked in the area.
Lake Burley Griffin – What would Menzies do?
One of the pleasures of this city is to sit down by Lake Burley Griffin in the evening to watch the light fade.
Continue reading Lake Burley Griffin – What would Menzies do?
how cycling changed New York
Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
Author: Sadik-Khan, Janette; Solomonow, Seth
New Book – here’s text from the publishers: As New York City’s transportation commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan managed the seemingly impossible and transformed the streets of one of the world’s greatest, toughest cities into dynamic spaces safe for pedestrians and bikers.
George Megalogenis
The latest in this great series – Quarterly Essay – by George Megalogenis on Balancing Act: Australia between recession and renewal – hits all the buttons and makes the case for urgent action on how the country is being run – or more to the point how bad our governments have been for at least the last decade on so many things that effect the long term viable of the place.
Being Turnbulled
Urban Redevelopment Awards for Canberra
Sometimes you do have to wonder about things that come your way. Today I have to report on a media release that was sent around today on a new set of federal awards.