Monthly Archives: May 2015
Civic an urban planning problem
Several decades ago, the centre of Canberra provided a very different shopping experience. Civic was a series of pedestrian plazas with a small complex named The Monaro Mall. In 1989 this mall was enlarged to become the first Canberra Centre.
Marriage Equality
Garden City no more
or the disappearing gardens
Canberra was built with gardens being integrated into each household and throughout the neighbourhoods.
Sir John Soane
I have been to London many times. Somehow I had not managed to find my way to the Sir John Soane Museum London until my most recent trip.
Dickson supermarket development refused
The ACT Planning and Land Authority today announced that the controversial Dickson Coles-DOMA development has been officially refused.
Rorting Women
All the boys in the Australian Government continue to prove to the world their attitude to women. Through the recent budget processes, we had the astonishing revelation that so many women at home with children who had been using the paid leave system available to them have now been identified by this government, those wonderful band of big boys, as being rorters and fraudsters.
a photo essay from early May – a foggy morning followed by a brilliant blue sky.
Arts Minister
It doesn’t get any worse than this!
I have written about Arts Ministers previously – click here. This country desperately needs a new model of national Culture Minster. Instead we have been landed with one of the most unsuitable politician to be the Arts Minister.
Dickson Shops
Voter action needed following Dickson shops debacle
There have been recent reports that the controversial Dickson supermarket proposal continues to be debated behind closed doors within the government planning bureaucracy.
Equity and Corporate Boards
One would think that by now people would make sure there is equity with the appointment of people to corporate boards, panels, committees etc.
Arts Singapore
While Australian governments spend a lot of time on transport matters, it usually means cars, maybe public transport and occasionally bicycles. In Canberra the pedestrian is not often on the agenda. Walking is far more fun. I visited Vienna recently and was impressed about many things to do with its urban structure. And now I read that they have a new emphasis on walking and urban planning is allowing for this!
A few travel photographs from not quite the usual tourist destination. This time we were in Maidstone in Kent. The image above is from within the local museum.
Negative Gearing
One of the faults with Australian democracy remains that many decisions by the elected politicians remain flawed because of the obvious but ignored conflicts of interests.
Venice Biennale Pavilion
Cars for Canberra
It was during a radio program on the future of Civic, the centre of Canberra, that an architectural academic came forward with his Big Idea on how this city centre could be refurbished. To my surprise the academic suggested that Civic’s pedestrian areas should be opened up for cars. I have to say that ‘architectural experts’ often speak on urban matters as if they are living on another planet.
Climate Change
North Canberra Greenway
A little while ago, I wrote a few pieces about Braddon. In amongst the many different aspects of the suburb, I brought up the concept of significant changes to Haig Park.