Billboards have long been part of our culture and have been popping up here there and anywhere all over the place throughout the world. We seem to love to clutter up our landscape with anything that makes money.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
TV Review: River
A new six part series shown on the BBC late in 2015. Totally recommended.
This is not quite your usual detective drama. In fact it is so good, that I along with a couple of commentators hope that they do not try to make a second series. It was a great series and the ending was very complete – they do not need to revisit this story.
Sculpture walk through Civic
When reading the latest thought bubbles from the property lobby, it was difficult to avoid laughing out loud.
Neil Young
Australia Day is as good a day as any to replay this video clip – just a reminder of what we used to be – but as yet are yet to put aside.
Northbourne Ave
The ACT Government has released an updated overview of its planning for the redevelopment of Northbourne Ave.
More dogs, ducks and dubious decisons
A couple of follow ups to the previous post on Dogs, ducks and dubious decisions
Public Forum: Urban Renewal
Photographs of 1930s China by Stanley O. Gregory
Canberra Sculpture Walk proposal
When reading the latest thought bubbles from the property lobby, it was difficult to avoid laughing out loud. In their quest to improve Civic business activity, the Civic property lobby has recommended that the ACT Government should hand over money to assist in the refurbishment of the Melbourne and Sydney buildings.
Dutton spud
Singapore International Photography Festival 2016
Helen Levitt at Laurence Miller
Dogs, ducks and dubious decisions
The Dickson Wetlands have been a success both as a water-engineering project (providing water for the nearby sports grounds) and as attractive open space parkland.
Canberra Tales: Parliamentary Gardens
There are many tales to be told about the design and the delivery of Australia’s Parliament House. There is one that involves a very clever person who realised he had the opportunity to use an everyday object as part of his own business branding.
whingers and more whingers
Several decades on my first visit to London the bus we were on had reason to be delayed. Most people understood what was happening and why the delay had happened. But not so one couple. They became very agitated and complained very loudly that this was not good enough. Apparently because of the delay the sky was about to fall and all manner of disasters were to strike us all!
Trickle-Down Theory
Credlin & Co
Waiting for this one – a book about one of the weirdest periods of Australian politics. From the publishers:
Credlin & Co. How the Abbott Government Destroyed Itself by Aaron Patrick. Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, ran a brilliant opposition campaign. But their approach led to disaster in government.
David Bowie
NGA Photography – The world is beautiful
Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
From The Conversation, Michelle Smith, Deakin University
Over the weekend, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton inadvertently sent a text message calling journalist Samantha Maiden a “mad f—ing witch” to Maiden herself, rather than his intended recipient, fellow MP Jamie Briggs.
Continue reading Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
a week of sexism in Australia
gropers, leakers, fibbers, fools, frauds, dickheads and dopes
New Zealand photography at Te Papa
Blue Poles at the museum
There is talk in the art world about the National Gallery of Australia’s (NGA) changes to their permanent collection galleries and how this has included the movement of the famous Jackson Pollock painting, Blue Poles, from its long historic position downstairs to the upstairs galleries.
Mt Ainslie
I am not sure how many times I have driven people up Mt Ainslie to take in the magnificent panoramic views.