Brisbane’s South Bank Corporate Equity

Comment: On equity gone missing!

Brisbane’s South Bank Corporation’s lack of equity in their management


It was while researching the background on my pieces on Brisbane and in particular on the South Bank Corporation, that I was checking on its corporate status when I came across a rude piece of evidence on the corporation.

The images below of their 2014 corporate board and senior management say it all.

It seems that this cultural organisation is stuck in the past when it comes to it equity practices.



Yet its online vision statement says otherwise! It reads: Our brand values – bold and innovative, sustainable, inclusive and collaborative – are more important than ever. Our commitment to these values sets us apart from our competitors, and enables us to offer visitors something truly special.

Someone needs to explain inclusive and collaborative and what having ‘values’ really means in the 21st Century.

The South bank Parklands are a great place, it is just that the current management boys must have a narrow view of the world.

The evidence is that these people say one thing but practice another. This probably explains a story about recent experiences of someone dealing with staff from this corporation.

Don’t you just love all those boys in suits!


Paul Costigan, 24 April 2014

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