Quarterly Essay: Trump

Enemy Within: America politics in the time of Trump

9781925435207_fcThis essay by Don Watson, is totally recommended. If you are wondering what is going on with the USA and what is happening to democracy, then read this. It is not necessarily about Trump, but more about Don Watson’s observations of the American people and how they have ended up in this place – it is logical. This is in fact where the USA is today.

But it does not have to be thus.

Here’s the blurb from the website on the essay:

In Enemy Within, Don Watson takes a memorable journey into the heart of the United States in the year 2016 – and the strangest election campaign that country has seen.

Travelling in the Midwest, Watson reflects on the rise of Donald Trump and the “thicket of unreality” that is the American media. Behind this he finds a deeply fearful and divided culture. Watson considers the irresistible pull – for Americans – of the Dream of exceptionalism, and asks whether this creed is reaching its limit. He explores alternate futures – from Trump-style fascism to Sanders-style civic renewal – and suggests that a Clinton presidency might see a new American blend of progressivism and militarism.Enemy Within is an eloquent, barbed look at the state of the union and the American malaise.

Here’s a piece from the Sydney Morning Herald – click here.

and – here another piece – click here.

And here’s the link to the publishers – click here.

Totally recommended. *****

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