Monument in the Landscape

Review: Visual Arts
Fabrice Fouillet photography: Colosses in the landscape


Photographer, Fabrice Fouillet, has a series of images of Colosses that were created to dominate and dwarf the landscape and buildings around them.

We often hear artist talk about how their art was created to fit in with and to be part of the landscape. Not so with these giants. This is what fascinated Fabrice Fouillet.

He has stood back and watched the people approach, watch them take their photographs and observed how the giant statues have towered over the communities and the landscape.

Click here for more on this series. Plus – have a look at his other works – click here and then use the link ‘works’.


But wait there’s more to this story about giants!

India has a major project underway to build the world’s largest statue.


For online news on this – click here; or for the official website – click here.


rabbitt01I am now pondering how Australia could match the rest of the world with a giant statue. A giant Tony Abbott.

Got just the image!


But then again, maybe we should haveĀ  a word to Kevin Rudd. I am sure he would think it would be appropriate to have a giant statue of himself towering over Canberra.


Paul Costigan, 5 May 2014

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