In my spare time , I have put together a collection of early 20th century photographs from Japan – click here to see the collection (for sale)
Category Archives: asia pacific
Filipino restaurant
Lolo and Lola Filipino restaurant opens in Watson (Canberra)
Photographing Singapore’s public housing
Photographing Singapore’s public housing
There’s an article in Straits Times about photographer Koh Kim Chay and his decades of photographing the ubiquitous government flats of Singapore.
Year of the Rooster – Time to revamp Dickson Chinatown
It’s Chinese New Year again (28th January). This time around it is the year of the rooster.
Continue reading Year of the Rooster – Time to revamp Dickson Chinatown
Singapore Biennale 2016
The Art Newspaper – Still Wrong on The Bishop Museum
An update on the issue of a misleading article in The Art Newspaper. Click here and scroll down the page to see the latest on this story
The Art Newspaper – Wrong about The Bishop Museum
An open letter to The Art Newspaper( 29 July) plus correspondence (5 August 2016)
Over many years I have accessed the Art Newspaper and when appropriate have either passed on links or have posted articles online that have links back to the Art Newspaper.
Continue reading The Art Newspaper – Wrong about The Bishop Museum
Equity in the arts
Diane Arbus and more at the NGA
There’s a wonderful exhibition at the NGA till 30th October 2016 – Diane Arbus: American portraits.
Arts exchange with Singapore and Wellington
First a positive note – full marks to the ACT Government for their efforts to achieve direct flights between Canberra and the cities of Wellington and Singapore.
Continue reading Arts exchange with Singapore and Wellington
Wei Leng Tay—The Other Shore
Click on image for the exhibition details at China In The World (ANU)
National Gallery Singapore
Photographs of 1930s China by Stanley O. Gregory
Singapore International Photography Festival 2016
New Zealand photography at Te Papa
National Gallery Singapore
east asian art at CMAG
The Canberra Museum and Gallery (CMAG) is presently staging an exhibition not to be missed.