Monthly Archives: February 2023

Time to rethink tower cramming

While the majority of people in this city indicate their preferences for stand-alone houses and possibly town houses, there are those who wish to retire into apartments and others who because of their economic circumstances have no option than to purchase (for now) whatever unit they can afford. Continue reading Time to rethink tower cramming

ACT Greenslabor have truth and transparency as options

Dealing with the complexities of Greenslabor planning reforms has been an unpleasant experience for those reading the badly written documents that were drip-fed to the public last year. There is nothing positive about what is being proposed. Continue reading ACT Greenslabor have truth and transparency as options

Absence of sensible planning threatens a street in Garran

It may be a little out of fashion with the ACT Greenslabor ministers, but residents like to be listened to about what happens to their home, their street and their neighbourhood.

Continue reading Absence of sensible planning threatens a street in Garran

Greenslabor’s continues being vexatious and frivolous with the truth

The signs are that for 2023 Greenslabor politicians and their hangers-on will continue to gaslight and dump on those who cherishes the city’s neighbourhoods. The new normal for Greenslabor is to be vexatious and frivolous with the truth.

Continue reading Greenslabor’s continues being vexatious and frivolous with the truth

A Greenslabor’s regulation discussion paper to fix everything

Under the Greenslabor regulatory systems for the last decade, residents have endured a laissez-faire approach to building compliance and regulation.

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National Capital Authority loses the plot – again

NCA questionable contracts and the future of the National Library Lombardy Pines

The National Capital Authority (NCA) has important national functions to do with stuff about administration, the national plan, the government of the day and the care of national assets.

Continue reading National Capital Authority loses the plot – again

ACT Greenslabor keep Lake Tuggeranong green

A target to clean up Lake Tuggeranong

This being the latter part of summer, families and children should have had loads of fun at the lakeside facilities around Lake Tuggeranong.  Not so – the waters remain off limits due to nasty green blobs floating about and poisonous algae in the water.

Continue reading ACT Greenslabor keep Lake Tuggeranong green

Heritage and the ACT Minister

When in August last year the ACT Heritage Minister, Rebecca Vassarotti, stood aside the members of the ACT Heritage Council, the problems she outlined to justify her actions did not come as a surprise to those in the know about the recent history of this ministerially appointed body.

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