Daily Archives: April 22, 2014

Value the Landscape

 Using inappropriate systems to place a value on landscape and things of value.


There’s an article in the Guardian by George Monbiot titled:

Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world?
Those who reduce nature to a column of figures play to an agenda that ignores its inherent value – and seeks to destroy it

To which one response online was: Great article George.

Continue reading Value the Landscape

New Acton Precinct, Canberra

Review: Urbanity
New Acton Precinct, Canberra


There was much ado about this whole precinct development when it was being built and this continues through to today. Having visited the site a few times now, to meander, to eat, to meet for coffee and the occasional business, I have to say that it is a very mixed result. It is worth a visit on a busy day to see for yourself. But it does not match some of the rhetoric that has been put about – click here for an example of some project-porn spin*.

Continue reading New Acton Precinct, Canberra

Brisbane Ugly Part One

Following up on comments by Alain de Botton, Part One of Six

That parts of Brisbane are ugly and the local government has allowed this to happen

Beauty in urban development is something we should insist on!

Part One – commenting on the News and its response to Alain

Links to all:  Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart Six


A mild storm recently broke in the media around comments made by Alain de Botton. To view one Brisbane local news piece on this and see Alain respond – click here. I was alerted to there being something wrong here when certain commentators responded. Oh the media just did not read his new book on the media!

Continue reading Brisbane Ugly Part One