Daily Archives: November 26, 2013

Voice of Wisdom

Opinion: Voices of Wisdom amongst so much ranting.

Comments on the statements by Australia’s Governor General, Quentin Bryce.

Every now and then Australians are taken aback when one of our national representatives actually makes intelligent and thoughtful contributions to public debates.  This happened recently with the delivery of the Boyer lectures by Australia’s first female Governor General, Quentin Bryce.

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Canberra Urbanity

Climate Change adaptation falters in the suburbs


Dealing with the complex issues of climate change adaptation should by now have become a priority and part of the everyday for any local government in their oversight of design, planning, development and the re-development of our settlements.

Here in Canberra we have been the subject of a decade or two of pronouncements from newly appointed chief planners on how they are to oversee development that is sustainable and .. lots of other spin that always sounds so sensible!

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