The Stalking of Julia

Book Review

The Stalking of Julia Gillard, Kerry-Anne Walsh

I should be able to say that there’s really no need for thinking and observant people to read this book.

The last three years in relation to the governance of Australia were just something totally unbelievable. We all think we know what happened.

I now consider that the labor government lost power well before the election. Was it because it was delivering fantastic economic management or was it because it did not deliver an outstanding set of national programs?

Of course the answer to the question is that this government was delivering big time despite the fact that for the last three years it was a minority government. This meant the government, namely Julia Gillard and her Ministers, had to be in consistent negotiations about any and every piece of legislation with the independent members of the House of Representatives.

But the real story was what was happening behind the scenes and to which the general public were  provided with occasional glimpses. Worse still was the way in which the mainstream press and the ABC were simply part of the loads of misinformation being heaped on all of us.

Kerry-Anne Walsh was there on the inside and had observed the stalking games being undertaken by Kevin Rudd, his close supporters in partnership with the Murdoch press and the ABC. The press have not received this book well. I wonder why? Reality hurts I imagine.

Kerry-Anne tells it as it was. It is a sad story and at times you will be amazed.

So even though you may consider you know enough of this story, I strongly recommend that you should read this book. The lessons need to be learnt and we need to be on guard to ensure that such horrible things do not happen to anyone.

What happened to our first woman Prime Minister happens in various forms in other sections of our workforce. Ever been on a board or committee and witness the games of people who want to destroy the joint in order to have their way? I have. And it is totally shocking when it happens. You thought you knew enough about human behaviour. Events such as described in this book will make you think.

Read this book!

Recommended: Culture Vulture Rating: 9/10

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