Community Engagement

Comment:  Cities Planning and the locals


Locally the planning authority is notorious for carry out all forms of planning with no real interest in the present residents and no interest in the urban character. It is left to the developers to define how the suburbs of Canberra will look in the future.

The residents are having a hard time with each ad hoc development as many of them are simply bad design and lacking in aesthetics. As for any care for climate change – just forget it as that would be seen as blocking development – they call it red or green tape and therefore, to keep the developer and property council lobby happy, all such requirements are superficial under the local planning guidelines. Green Wash is the best we see.

The ACT Planning Authority suffers from a culture of dislike and disrespect for the local residents.

While we work out how to have this significant change in culture, it is a welcome sign to see far more positive articles about how development and maintaining character can work together.


As the author says – bringing residents and the community to the table often and at the beginning.” This kind of public planning process requires a great investment of time and resources by city governments, but without this investment, the only result may be inequitable, developer-led urban revitalization. “Cities have to form diverse, inclusive partnerships, foster openness, and collaborate on goals and outcomes.”

click here for the article

and also see my page on Community Engagement – click here


Paul Costigan, 26 September 2014

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