Art Gallery of NSW

The future looks great for the AGNSW

AGNSW Being the best state Art Gallery in Australia, the Art Gallery of New South Wales looks to become even better.

I always enjoy a visit to this gallery. It doesn’t matter what special exhibitions are on.  There is plenty to see and to engage with.

I often joke that the AGNSW marketing job must be one of the easiest in the world. The main task is simply to open the front door every morning. As I believe that people in Sydney just go there on a regular basis just to meet each other and/or to wander through the many exhibition spaces, where there is always something for everyone.

So news that it is taking architecture seriously and has an interesting panel to guide these decisions, makes for welcoming news. Let’s hope that this new piece of Sydney architecture will be a world-class example of gallery as an environmentally sustainable  building. click here.


for more on architecture – click here

Paul Costigan

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