The Australian Women’s History Forum – Great Debate 2014
Held in the Albert Hall, Canberra, on 26 March 2014.
The proposition was that ‘Australia doesn’t need Women’s History Month’. Continue reading Australian Women’s History Forum
Held in the Albert Hall, Canberra, on 26 March 2014.
The proposition was that ‘Australia doesn’t need Women’s History Month’. Continue reading Australian Women’s History Forum
There are all sorts of stories in circulation in Canberra as a result of the decision to introduce paid parking for all areas within the Parliamentary Triangle. This has a big impact on those who work in the area. Some public servants are devising clever tricks to continue to have free parking.
This will also mean that visitors will now have to pay to visit the national institutions and have limited time to visit. This could be a marked change in how visitors regard the national cultural institutions. I know as a local, it will mean less visits to these institutions.