climate change

Comment: those were the days!

Not that you need to read anymore – but here’s a 2007 link that has the heading: Australia now stands ready to assume its responsibility in responding to the challenge of climate change, according to the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd. click here.text-rudd-climate

Oh how proud we were that this country was about to lead the rest of the world on attempting to deal with climate change. It was a moral issue. It was an economic issue. The Australian electorate was onside and was encouraging governments to show leadership.

Now we have 2014 and the opposite. The Rabbott government of climate deniers. Who elected these idiots, these dangerous puppets of Big Coal and all their fat corporate mates.

So how does the rest of the world view Australia now – click here and weep!

But alas, there are signs of change with the results of the Victorian state elections signalling a change at least to wind power. click here.

Looks like we must Maintain The Rage for a bit longer yet!


Paul Costigan

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