climate action

Comment: Action being taken on climate action

rabbott01With Australia’s Rabbott government continuing to be an embarrassment both at home and internationally, it has been a welcome relief to see actions being forecasted by the Chinese Government and President Obama. While there has to be some scepticism around these political announcements, there is at least acceptance that any such agreements are significant small steps in the right direction.

After all, Australia remains in the hands of idiots, being those in government and those that vote for them, who still believe in Big Coal and that climate change is some form of left-wing conspiracy.

The New Yorker has two good articles. The first on President Obama and his reactions to the recent electoral loses by the Democrats. The second on the agreement with China.

Click here for the first – and –  here for the second.

Meanwhile our own Rabbott government has been caught in the spotlight of others’ actions. The idiots are looking even more foolish – and we all that was not possible.

Here are six Rabbott myths on climate change – click here


Paul Costigan

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