click on the image for the new 2016 series, Stardust, by Anna Carey.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
Being Turnbulled
Politicians fly too close to the sun
There is a now a long list of candidates announced for the 2016 ACT Government election.
Continue reading Politicians fly too close to the sun
Paul Simon
contour 556 – Canberra’s new public art festival
contour 556 is Canberra’s new public art festival to be staged from Friday 21st October to Sunday 13th November, 2016
Continue reading contour 556 – Canberra’s new public art festival
Peter Garrett is back
The first track from his coming album, A Version of Now – which is to be released July 15
Your place in community consultations
Here’s another sad tale about the ACT Government’s patronising attitude towards residents.
Canberra Visual Arts being Turnbulled
Last Friday 13th May was sad day, and very much a black Friday, for many in the arts across Australia.
Being Turnbulled
Can it get any worse?
Here’s an article on Malcolm Turnbull’s government and his environment minister and their attitude towards the environment and climate change – and the Great Barrier Reef. Click here.
Neil Young
Time to play this again – After The Goldrush – where it all began so many years ago.
Civic Square architecture
City planners allow for all manner of formal spaces when plotting out the municipal aspects of any new township.
Being Turnbulled
click on the image for the story about Turnbull and the arts – and then
Being Turnbulled
In so many ways Australia was being Turnbulled by Malcolm Turnbull.
Now he and his treasurer have struck out against women – when will this stop? Click here for the story about the budget.
Places Women Make
Book Review: Places Women Make, Jane Jose, 2016
This book is a celebration of the contribution by women to our cultural, social and urban lives. The book has the secondary title ‘Unearthing the contribution of women to our cities.’
Being Turnbulled
This is the on-going sad story about how Australia has a federal government, led by a Top Hat prime minister, who has now adopted the postion of the climate sceptics. Here’s an article that talks about the latest – with the ACT Government out in front and the federal government continuing to Turnbull the country. click here.
They’re digging up the parking lots
Canberra’s planners in the 1950s and beyond delivered an infrastructure made for cars. There were even major freeways planned (a story for another day).
Cindy Sherman
click – here – for information about this poster project