Daily Archives: February 28, 2014

Climate Optimism

Is it possible to be optimistic on climate change?

f7c6a3ac-f0f1-491c-892b-a27b5324354d-460x276To be honest I am not so sure given the quality of governments people have voted in. But there are signs within local governments that things may be taken seriously at last.

Check out two posts on Sustainable Settlements Institute.

Reasons for Optimism – click here – &  – Clover Moore and the City of Sydney – click here

Reasons for Optimism

The State of the Debate on Climate Change

Reasons for Optimism

Old Colony_tcm3-34346I have to admit that having done a lot of reading and been involved in many discussions on climate change and the lack of concerted actions, it was novel to read an article titled: The State of the Debate on Climate Change: Reasons for Optimism.

I do however share the view that any optimism for change is based not on the behaviour and actions of the national or state governments, but on the policies and actions as undertaken by some of the local governments.

Continue reading Reasons for Optimism