Gael Newton

A Big Thank you to the NGA staff and friends


Greetings all. This is a message to all of the staff who came together to give me a wonderful send-off on Tuesday. It was a really nice way to celebrate.

To anyone not there, I want to share with you the one of the wonderful gifts that I was presented with.


It came as a box brownie





I opened the camera to discover a host of small cards inside.

What was this all about?





I then discovered that the cards were copies of heaps of photographs from the NGA collection.





And then the really big nice surprise!

Each photograph was a message from a staff member. WOW!


This is just such a wonderfully beautiful and touching present for me to cherish forever!

I am so lucky to have had such creative, thoughtful and fun colleagues!




I am now enjoying a first few moment of rest and the sun came out especially for me enjoy this day as I think about all those things I am to do in the future!











My last offical day is 8th September, which happens to be my birthday.

So as I ease away from the every day work scene and take long walks with my dog, shakey, I will be thinking of all of you and at times revisiting the wonderful gift of your friendship over the many years – which were captured in the giving of that very special box brownie. SNAP!



2 thoughts on “Gael Newton

  1. Gael and Paul.
    You are truly lucky to be appreciated, by your colleagues who had an inkling into Gael the person, they say we are a product of our environments but you could also state we create our own environments, which ever, you seemed to have created and enjoyed a pleasurable work environment.

    It often troubles me when asked , … its so and sos’ thingo what should we get them….. well yep you don’t have any idea who you work with.


    How is shaky going to handle all the change, they can get very put out by a change in routine

    cheers enjoy.

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