Monthly Archives: August 2024

Photography remains popular

Public photography collections hidden from view

Recently Gibson’s Auction in Melbourne (20th August 2024) held a successful auction of photographs, paintings and prints from the Julian Burnside & Kate Durham Collection. The result highlighted a disconnect between the management of Australia’s public art museums and the viewing and collecting public.

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Gibson’s Auction Julian Burnside exhibition

Art exhibition visit

Being in Melbourne, means we can get along to see art auction exhibitions. This we did last Friday and to see Wolfgang Sievers photographs and a range of prints & other material from the Julian Burnside & Kate Durham Collection (link below) . Good stuff!

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Councillors who fence sit their constituents

what priority given to urban aesthetics?

The October 2024 local government elections provide Melbourne residents with the opportunity to examine the record of their councillors on the key issue of development and the reshaping of the amenities and aesthetics of their suburbs, the place they have chosen to invest in for the rest of their lives.

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How many storeys are inappropriate?

Ivanhoe Urban Architecture

Political spin justifies anything

Recently in The Age (19th July 2024) several local politicians and a few ‘experts’ spoke of  the coming of apartments towers to the central areas of Ivanhoe with the emphasis on those sites nearer the railway station.

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Councils and high street architecture

Ivanhoe Urban Architecture

On the main intersection on Upper Heidelberg Road in the middle of the Ivanhoe shopping strip, stands this building that I think is all about the real estate agency on the first floor – meaning I suspect the real estate is also on the upper floors. On the ground floor are two businesses.

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