A photograph

Photography travels


Being a gallery visitor does has its problems if one is not too careful what you read. It was while travelling the highway that we pointed the car into the outer Sydney city of Campbelltown to see the current exhibition at the Campbell City Gallery.

Well that was the intent. Too bad I did not read the notices correctly. Waiting to greet us was that sign – ‘Gallery Closed’.

I have to admit that sometimes when I see all the stuff laid out for exhibition installations, that I think that the general public should be encouraged to watch the work underway as this staging of exhibitions is always full of interest. All this action, movement, stuff everywhere that eventually comes together to form a neat and clean visual arts exhibition.

But on this occasion, we mumbled a few things and then hit the road again.

but before we did, I could not resist the views around the Christmas Tree outside the gallery. The Bird and the Star. (click any image to enlarge)



The previous days we had put up in Sydney in a room with a view. The view was of the next building’s roof. I could not help but think of all the Green Wash put about by the building lobby and their colleagues.

Is this what they think is a green roof?




and here’s another view on a different morning.



and for those who do not know Manly – here’s view from the gallery of the inner harbour beach.



Paul Costigan

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