Public Art

Comment on public art problems


Visiting London, we came across this piece of public art at The Angel, a centre located on the outskirts of central London, to the north-east.

The Angel refers to the tube station nearby. This artwork is simplistic enough to be queried. But its placement in this part of a mall has not done much for it. Then to make matters worse, the owners have installed a small food outlet beneath the wings. Not good!



On another location in Holborn, there is a wonderful park that is used by many people for all sorts of reasons. Mainly for just sitting, reading books and chatting to friends. However at one entrance is this piece of neglected art. It is in a bad condition and so what has happened is that it is now impossible to appreciate it. Whether it was an interesting piece is now hard to judge.

While observing this piece, I noticed several tourists pass by without even noticing it. The one above paused to take a picture but made sure the photo did not include the artwork.


Paul Costigan



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