Melbourne and Graffiti

Graffiti as aesthetic rubbish – not art

Melbourne, in particular inner Melbourne, has a serious problem with graffiti.
(Image above – a composite photo- captured from two train journeys).

Over Christmas we lived in temporary accommodation in Fitzroy. A good place to stay but not where I would choose to live for any length of time. There are many reasons for that – possibly another post another day.

But – One issue that hits you in the face is the graffiti. We are not talking about the occasional piece of urban art, but about the endless and mindless smothering of the urban spaces with non-aesthetic rubbish.

One of the great things about Melbourne is its architecture, being the diversity. The new next to the old, next to the Federation style, next to Mid Century modern, next to mid to late 19th century – with plenty of sympathetic renovations of any of the above. And of course, the ugly new modern – bland boxes here and there.

But, the graffiti is everywhere – on any walls old and new. Up lane ways, across fences and hoardings and across the tops of shops and commercial buildings.

Occasionally someone officially or unofficially paints something aesthetically interesting or at least makes some effort at originality. But that is rare.

above – a scene very common in Fitzroy.


Occasionally there can be something interesting; but do the building owners share the joy of the graffiti.


more rubbish… there’s loads of this stuff everywhere.



Something more pleasant.


A large bird to one side – good, but the rest of the street on both sides was full of crap.


even more rubbish.


A building that the architects made colourful – and still this does not stop the graffiti idiots.


I looked closely at these buildings. They have been cleaned recently. No graffiti for now. So the architecture wins – for now.


More mindless stuffing up of the aesthetics of the urban environment of this inner  suburb.


There was a mural under this – for a good cause. Now stuffed up.


Another cleaned up building.


This shop has had the murals painted.
And it is a great Spanish deli in there – on Johnstone Street


even more rubbish.


enough said?


This building had been cleaned – painted. And then they struck again.


A cleaned up fence line – so now passers by can enjoy the garden.


A simple message – one I agree with.


Good to see people being encouraged to ‘keep left’.

Of course graffiti in some form has been with society from the days of the cave dweller – through to the Romans and right up to now.  In recent decades there has been some encouraging and recognition of graffiti as art. I was never convinced. Graffiti is graffiti – and public art/ mural is art (sometimes).

But what has been happening to places such as Fitzroy and other suburbs is totally mindless and utterly stupid. Heritage buildings, public infrastructure and loads of interesting architecture has been subject to a total disrespect.

Catching the train into Melbourne reveals even more of this rubbish. Endless buildings and awnings along the railway are covered in this stuff. Occasionally a firm has taken the trouble of painting it over – such as one large storage firm. But otherwise as you enter the inner city limits, this rubbish assaults the eyes and assaults what should be a pleasant view of the suburbans areas beside the railway.

And it is expensive to deal with – which means councils are spending ratepayers money on this instead of other things.

Here’s two links to make the point of how serious this is:

One from Melbourne city –  click here.

Another from Yarra City Council – that includes Fitzroy.

Enough for now!

All the best to the property owners and councils who have to deal with this.

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