Climate Change

Comments: Climate Change in 2014

Cover-September-2014There’s talk that Vladimir Putin must be invited to the G20 Summit as it is not up to Australia to limit the attendees. The positive is that other world leaders will have the opportunity to tell Putin what they think of his aggressions.

Likewise, Tony Abbott, who is leading a dangerous government of climate change deniers, was not banned from attending the UN summits on terrorism and another on climate change.

He did not attend the latter. Maybe someone should be talking about banning Rabbott from going to various international meetings because of his dangerous lack of actions on climate change. His actions affect the whole planet. He and his government are dangers to all peoples on this planet. The Rabbott government’s back down on climate change and subsequent dependence on big coal is going to be a disaster for the long-term economic future of Australia.

Luckily we have some very intelligent people to write about the current moves on climate change. One is one of my favourite authors, Rebbeca Solnit: click here.

Another is Jonathan Jones – click here.

Van Badham wrote a provocative piece – click here.

Others had observed how Murdoch treated this call for action – click here – no surprises!

I have a suggestion! Maybe Tony Abbott should be banned from the Brisbane G20 summit because of his stupidity on climate change and for being such a nutter!

But wait there is more stupidity – one of the Prime Rabbott’s closest advisers does not like the idea that the Bureau of Meteorology produces statistics that indicate the changes to climate change . As a result he wants an inquiry into the running of the Bureau. This is a true story and this ‘so called business man’ is currently very close to the Prime Rabbott! – click here.


Paul Costigan, 26 September 2014

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