Geelong Art Gallery

Top rated three in one

This piece is about an exhibition that closed 28th July 2024. Cutting Through Time—Cressida Campbell, Margaret Preston, and the Japanese Print

The curatorial team at Geelong did a marvellous job with the exhibition of Cressida Campbell, Japanese prints plus Margaret Preston. This was definitely one worth making the trip out of Melbourne to take in.   Easy to rate: 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎  (five out of five)

The selection of Campbell’s work made for an engaging  exhibition. As for how these three sets of work referenced each other, I leave that to John McDonald who has written two  very good reviews. See them further down this page.

To quote from the 2023 National Gallery  of Australia exhibition catalogue: “Cressida Campbell reminds us that there is much beauty and solace to be found in the everyday.”









John McDonald’s 2nd June 2024 review in the Sydney Morning Herald/ The Age.

The  Oct 2022 review of  the 2022-2023 National Gallery of Australia’s Exhibition 


Geelong has its own collection such as this Eugene von Guérard:

We look forward to our next visit to Geelong Art Gallery.

PS: The banner photo up top of this page is of the entrance to the exhibition.



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