Exhibition Searching for Sanctuary

State Library of Victoria exhibition

The full title for this exhibition is:
Searching for Sanctuary: A journey of survival by Barat Ali Batoor

We had visited the library to carry out a couple of research activities. As we were about to leave via the front door we noticed this exhibition off to the left.

Sometimes as you enter an exhibition you form a quick assessment of what you are about to see. At first I did this and wandered around. But then it hit me what I was looking at.

Barat Ali Batoor was a refugee from Afghanistan and this was his visual story of his exit through several countries and his safe landing in Australia. There were rooms of photographs with enough text to make the point as to what was happening at each perilous step of his journey.

It is a powerful story. While each photograph may/ may not be a great photo, the sum total of this coming together of the photographs to tell this story is amazing.

Amazing becauseĀ  he was able to do this over the journeys and that he and his camera survived.

The library is to be congratulated for staging this powerful and timely exhibition. We all need to be reminded that these refugees are people – and they need to be welcomed.

Here’s a few images – but be mindful that they do little to illustrate the exhibition and its powerful statement. If you can – see this exhibition. Open till 6th October – free entry.







Here’s a link to the library web site – click here

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