CCP in Collingwood

Visiting the new CCP project space

Today we ventured into Collingwood to see the first exhibition at the new CCP project space. They now occupy a room on the second floor at the back of the complex of the building above – The Collingwood Yards. (the photo above borrowed from their web site).

Last year the CCP lost its Commonwealth Government funding resulting in a massive downsizing – staff let go and a move out of their dedicated (rented) building to a room at the back of Collingwood Yards.  (see link to the 2023 story below)

When you visit, the CCP space has the look of a new arts organisation just starting out. It is very sad given how well Australia used to be served by centres of photography.

The real context for what happened to the CCP (and many other like arts organisation) is that the commonwealth government does not have the intellectual capacity to understand a very successfully run photography centre that has had about a 40 year history of showcasing artists, nurturing new talented photographers, publishing and generally doing a load of good stuff.

How things have changed culturally in the country over the last couple of decades

Once there was an Australia Council for the Arts that connected with all levels of the arts.

Now we have a body with a silly name (*see quote below) that has a well paid executive that uses the available funds to do stuff that they think keeps them on side with federal politicians.  Should we mention all those years of expensive overseas marketing campaigns and events! Best not to.

It has been a long time since a federal minister for the arts actually paid attention to what this commonwealth body is doing. Looking at you Tony Bourke MP!

Meanwhile – but to where the visual arts are actually happening:

The exhibition at the CCP at Collingwood Yards is worth the visit. The CCP needs your support.

The exhibition of photographs is: Kathryn McCool: P.North – till 14th December 2024.

There’s a link below for more about the exhibition – and here’s a couple of my photos.

Article in the The Age about the loss of funding.

A little bit about the CCP

and the current exhibition.

Tony Bourke – so called Minister for the Arts

*To quote from their own web site: “On Thursday 24 August 2023 the Australia Council for the Arts became Creative Australia; a bigger, bolder champion and investor in arts and creativity.”    And we all believe that whatever that means!!

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